swcarpentry / shell-novice

The Unix Shell
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The Unix Shell: Finding Things. Different on-screen message from Git Bash. #1395

Open phwtsang opened 1 year ago

phwtsang commented 1 year ago

When I ran the command "find . -name *.txt" in the shell-lesson-data/exercise-data folder, I got the following on-screen message: find: paths must precede expression: 'numbers.txt' find: possible unquoted pattern after predicate '-name'?

It is different from the episode's output: "./numbers.txt". It looks to me that the on-screen message is trying to correct the same mistake that the episode is trying to elucidate.

I am using Git Bash on a Windows laptop.

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steve930 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I followed along with the "Finding things" lesson and set up my working environment to use Git Bash. When I run the command: find . -name *.txt I get the output of "./numbers.txt" listed in the lesson page. When I run the command: find . -name "*.txt" I get the output of: ./writing/LittleWomen.txt ./writing/haiku.txt ./numbers.txt

I think from your error messages you provided that perhaps one of your quotation marks in the command you entered may have been misplaced, and that that might be the issue

bkmgit commented 1 year ago

@steve930 Thanks. @phwtsang Thanks for your feedback. Are you still getting an error? If so, what is your environment, in particular versions of Windows and GitBash?