sweIhm-ws2018-19 / skillproject-do-1

skillproject-do-1 created by GitHub Classroom
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Alexa sagt aktuelles Datum, wenn skill geöffnet wird #12

Open nicolemjohnson opened 5 years ago

nicolemjohnson commented 5 years ago

Wir können codieren, dass Alexa gleich das Datum sagt, wenn der Skill geöffnet ist. Dann geht es einfach mit den normalen Funktionen weiter

nicolemjohnson commented 5 years ago

User Story: The user is someone who goes through their daily and weekly agenda each morning. As they open the calendar/To-Do skill in Alexa, Alexa reminds/tells them of the current date and the user can ask what events or activities they have for the day. This is helpful to the user when they are planning the day/week and hear the date and notice that someones birthday is coming up and that they need to add buying a present to their To-Do list.

Acceptance Criteria: When the skill is opened the user hears the current date being said by Alexa.

gitmasterMitja commented 5 years ago


As a user the first thing i want to know when i start the skill is the current date without asking for it. From there i can plan my next steps, activities and to-dos.

nicolemjohnson commented 5 years ago

Just have to add the current date to the resonse when the launch request is opened

nicolemjohnson commented 5 years ago

reviewed: With the class we get a lot of code smells from Sonarcloud. We should look into this and clean up the class. It is also difficult to test the class. But every time the skill opens the date and time are said.