swederik / pvelab

PVElab: Software for correction of functional images for partial volume errors
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FileLoad Error #2

Open Ianyliu opened 1 year ago

Ianyliu commented 1 year ago

I tried to use PVElab to load a Nifti file as before and it stopped working, showing the error below. When I tried the PET Nifti files that worked before, they no longer worked for some reason...

- _______Time stamp: (mm.hh.dd.mm.yyyy) ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- checkIn: FileLoad1MR_wrapper ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- ---------------- CATCH: error is detected ------------------ ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- Error in method: Undefined function 'reslice_nii' for input arguments of type 'char'. ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- _______Time stamp: (mm.hh.dd.mm.yyyy) ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- Error detected, task is cleaned-up at checkOut. ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- _______Time stamp: (mm.hh.dd.mm.yyyy) ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- checkIn: FileLoad1MR_wrapper ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- ---------------- CATCH: error is detected ------------------ ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- Error in method: Undefined function 'reslice_nii' for input arguments of type 'char'. ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- _______Time stamp: (mm.hh.dd.mm.yyyy) ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 
- Error detected, task is cleaned-up at checkOut. ----(Task: FileLoad, Method: Load 1 PET + 1 MR) 

I also noticed that the code from GitHub and the one downloaded from the website is different. (See image below) image

If there is no reslice_nii function, what should I do to fix my problem?

Ianyliu commented 1 year ago

The file I loaded doesn't seem to have a problem as I could read it in other software (ex. 3D Slicer, MRI cron) without any problem.

One temporary solution was to convert it to .img file and input it. Although this worked, but it did not ask for a .hdr file, which means it's working with incomplete information...

Ianyliu commented 1 year ago

Another update: I converted both the T1w and PET images into .img files using MRI cron and inputed the data into PVElabs, which went successfully.

However, when I tried to use AIR for registration, AIR wasn't able to process the file for some reason

(AIR is indeed working because I was able to successfully use it in PVElabs before the file load error suddenly came up)