sweetsoftware / Ares

Python botnet and backdoor
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Ares: Modify server IP address #73

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I want to use Ares tool but I find some problems that's why I'm writing to you.

I want to configure my ip server to somethings like 192.168.1.x in my linux machine and put my agent my windows machine (physicaly separated)

when I do

./ares.py runserver -h 192.168.1.x -p 8080 --threade it does not work

Any help please ?

Thanks in advance.

ghost commented 4 years ago

No idea ?

target111 commented 4 years ago

How do you run the agent? And is it on a separate network?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I had a problem with my machines and were unable to give you the right response.

I think that the problem is in the run of the agent. Both server and agent are in the same network

server is in a machine with ip: (on Linux) and agent in a achine with ip (on Windows)

I run the server like that ./ares.py runserver -h -p 8082 --threaded

Then I modify the agent config by putting localhost:8082 in the config.py (in the first line)

Then I did :

cd agent ./agent.py ./builder.py -p Windows --server http://localhost:8080 -o agent.exe

Then I retrieved the agent.exe file and executed it on windows machine

And Finally, I go back to linux to refresh my server page but I got no agent in the agent list.

Please any help

target111 commented 4 years ago

Replace localhost:8080 with server address) in the builder.py line and it should work.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I kept the same adress localhost:8080 for server running and for agent. I succeded to run the server and get my agent.exe with :

./builder.py -p Windows --server http://localhost:8080 -o agent.exe

But when I run my agent.exe on the victim machine which is a windows machine, I didnt see my agent in the agent list on my attacker machine (Linux). I dont know why ?

Also When I did :

cd agent ./agent.py

I got this message:
Persistence only supported on compiled agents.

Is it normal ?

Thanks in advance for your reponse please.

target111 commented 4 years ago

Yes the persistence bit is normal.

Second: Server is fine. The reason you don't see the agent connect to the server when you run the exe on another machine is because you're not using the correct IP when you compile it. You need to change the builder.py line to this for it to actually work:

./builder.py -p Windows --server -o agent.exe

The reason why is because you need to have the same IP address as the server and the same port.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Even though, the server is running on : 8080 I have to compile the agent with : ./builder.py -p Windows --server -o agent.exe ?

Another question please, should I modify the ip adress in builder.py also (i mean put : 8080 instead of localhost : 8080 ) ?

target111 commented 4 years ago

Yep, that's correct, in the builder.py you need to use the servers IPv4 address, not localhost which is only accessible from the same machine. means all IPv4 addresses on the local machine. If a host has two IP addresses, and, and a server running on the host listens on, it will be reachable at both of those IPs.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Firstly thank you so much for your help. I have always the problem. Well I will summarize all what I did, maybe you can tell me what escapes me: after launching the server with :

./ares.py runserver -h -p 8080 --threade

I modified the ip adresse in config.py by putting

Then I compiled the agent with: ./agent.py Then I build the agent with: ./builder.py -p Windows --server -o agent.exe

Then I sent the agent.exe file to the victim machine and run it on this later Then I came back to my attacker machine, I refreshed the server page web But I didn't find the my victim machine in the agent list .

are my steps right please ? Thanks in advance

target111 commented 4 years ago

All looks good, are the server and victim computer on the same network? Maybe check if the servers IP hasn't change or check for a firewall.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yes. Both victim and attacker machines are in the same network. Victim machine ip is and the attacker machine ip is Server IP hasn't changed and The firewalls are disables on both machines (see the attached files) Capture2 Capture1

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, Since in windows OS, I get a pb with Ares Bonet, I test it now on linux machine so, I did the same steps as for windows machine except for building agent where I execute this command: ./builder.py -p Linux --server -o agent

But the pb is when I run the agent on the victim machine with these commands:

sudo chmod +x agent ./agent I got this error message;

Segmentation error.

Do you have any idea abot the origin of this error please ?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi Sir,

Please I have a question. Ares botnet works now in my machine and I need to know if there is a way or some element which can help me to detect the presence of a botnet from my traffic network file (pcap file) ? Thank in advance for your help