sweetsoftware / Ares

Python botnet and backdoor
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command issue #83

Open Lpker-2006 opened 3 years ago

Lpker-2006 commented 3 years ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "test_2.py", line 301, in run File "test_2.py", line 104, in server_hello File "requests/api.py", line 112, in post File "requests/api.py", line 58, in request File "requests/sessions.py", line 508, in request File "requests/sessions.py", line 618, in send File "requests/adapters.py", line 508, in send ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='x.x.x.x', port=47832): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/root_274973439835060/hello (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fc9ca65ef50>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

Server : Window2012 cilent:Linux

my builider arg is : -p Linux --server myhost:port -o xxxx --persistent

once i send a command from agent_console.html i will get a error which is NewConnectionError

my english is poor so hoping you guy can understand what i am talking about