sweinand / pricelevels

Price Level Comparisons
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Bilateral price index #19

Closed sweinand closed 9 months ago

sweinand commented 10 months ago

Add the Lowe and Young price index, where the base region prices can be defined in the function settings:

If settings$wbase=NULL, the regional average price and quantity for each product are used. If settings$wbase is a specific region, then the prices and quantities of this region are used. To be checked if this can be written in formulas using quantities q and weights w.

Similarly, the Lyod-Moulton index could be implemented where the sigma-parameter could be defined through settings$ces.sigma.

sweinand commented 10 months ago

The formulas for Lowe and Young can be written with quantities and weights. For the Young index, the weights can be defined as explained above or as expenditure shares of a respective region. However, for the Lowe index, the weights are hybrid expenditure shares (and not the required ones w of a respective region). Therefore, an implementation of the Lowe index should only work if quantities q are provided.

young2 <- function(p1, p0, pb, qb, wb){

  # define weights:
  if(!missing(pb) & !missing(qb)) wb <- pb*qb

  # compute index:
  res <- sum(wb/sum(wb)*(p1/p0))

  # return output:


lowe2 <- function(p1, p0, pb=NULL, qb, wb=NULL){

  # define weights:
  w <- p0*qb/sum(p0*qb)

  # compute index:
  res <- sum(w/sum(w)*(p1/p0))

  # return output:


P <- matrix(data=runif(12), ncol=3, nrow=4)
Q <- matrix(data=runif(12, 100, 200), ncol=3, nrow=4)

young <- function(P, Q, W=NULL, base=1L){

  # compute price ratios:
  R <- P/P[, base]

  # define weights:
  W <- rowSums(P*Q, na.rm=TRUE)/sum(P*Q, na.rm=TRUE)
  W <- matrix(data=W, ncol=ncol(R), nrow=nrow(R))

  # set weights to NA when no intersection of prices:
  W[is.na(R)] <- NA

  # normalize weights:
  W <- W/colSums(x=W, na.rm=TRUE)[col(W)]

  # compute index:
  res <- colSums(x=W*R, na.rm=TRUE)

  # set to NA when no intersecting prices were found:
  res[is.nan(res) | colSums(x=!is.na(W*P), na.rm=FALSE)<=0] <- NA
  # -> colSums()-function returns 0 when everything is NA

  # return output:


lowe <- function(P, Q, W=NULL, base=1L){

  # compute price ratios:
  R <- P/P[, base]

  # define weights:
  W <- rowSums(P[, base]*Q, na.rm=TRUE)/sum(P[,base]*Q, na.rm=TRUE)
  W <- matrix(data=W, ncol=ncol(R), nrow=nrow(R))

  # set weights to NA when no intersection of prices:
  W[is.na(R)] <- NA

  # normalize weights:
  W <- W/colSums(x=W, na.rm=TRUE)[col(W)]

  # compute index:
  res <- colSums(x=W*R, na.rm=TRUE)

  # set to NA when no intersecting prices were found:
  res[is.nan(res) | colSums(x=!is.na(W*P), na.rm=FALSE)<=0] <- NA
  # -> colSums()-function returns 0 when everything is NA

  # return output:
