[x] Find how to bypass SysCall in End-To-End tests
[x] Send lastKnownLocation to the firebase
[x] Block the rotation
[x] SignIn screen always appears at start
[ ] Ask for permission when accessing local storage for uploading profile picture
[ ] Error handling with toasts
[ ] Harmonize UI to be only black
[x] Cannot add friend
[ ] should be able to only add friend with phone number or email address (not simply searching everyone in the DB)
[x] cannot accept friend request
[ ] Friends search allows you to write multiple lines when it shouldn't
[ ] phone numbers not getting added in the "parsed" format
[ ] gradle seems to be "partially" ignored by git, because when switching branches, dependencies are missing, yet the dependencies are normally in the build.gradle.kts filed pushed to said branch
[ ] page doesn't change after first login, sometimes you have to restart the app to have it set the current user