swesterfeld / liquidsfz

SFZ Sampler
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Cant find ./configure #39

Open onyeibo opened 1 year ago

onyeibo commented 1 year ago

I see only configure.ac after cloning. I am following the docs. What did I miss?

swesterfeld commented 1 year ago

The configure file can be found in the official release, available here: https://github.com/swesterfeld/liquidsfz/releases The current version is https://github.com/swesterfeld/liquidsfz/releases/download/0.3.1/liquidsfz-0.3.1.tar.bz2

If you want to build from git, you would need to run ./autogen.sh before running ./configure, however you may need additional dependencies, so this may be harder to do than using an official release.

onyeibo commented 1 year ago

You might want to add this clarification to the README.md then (with a link to releases). Do you provide packages by any means? That might save me more time although I am on Fedora (rawhide) which is a rolling version. I have no problem compiling from git either way. Thanks a lot

swesterfeld commented 1 year ago

You might want to add this clarification to the README.md then (with a link to releases)

There is a link to the latest release in the README.md in the section releases. Maybe some details could be changed to make it more obvious.

Do you provide packages by any means?

Right now, there is only a binary package (see README) if you want the LV2 plugin only.

As far as I know there are a few distributions that package liquidsfz, such as Arch Linux, but I don't provide packages myself.

onyeibo commented 1 year ago


The README.md mentions package dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu. I am running Fedora. Here are the dependencies I had to resolve:

1. readline-devel
2. pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit-devel
3. libsndfile-devel
4. lv2-devel

for compiling:

1. gcc-c++
2. clang
3. fftw-devel (although I couldn't get it to compile with the FFTW library. I must be missing something)
4. autoconf (compiling from git)
5. automake (compiling from git)
6. libtool (compiling from git)

Could you add those too? That should take care of Users on distributions using rpm-based package management.

onyeibo commented 1 year ago

I can't find liquidsfz on the plugin list from inside Ardour.

swesterfeld commented 1 year ago

I can't find liquidsfz on the plugin list from inside Ardour.

Usually make install should put the plugin into the /usr/local/lib/lv2/liquidsfz.lv2 directory. I wonder if the problem is that Ardour doesn't look in /usr/local/lib/lv2 on your system? It should use the env variable $LV2_PATH to determine what directories are used for LV2 plugins. For instance on my system this contains:

$ echo $LV2_PATH 
onyeibo commented 1 year ago

It should use the env variable $LV2_PATH to determine what directories are used for LV2 plugins. For instance on my system this contains:

Thanks for the hint. I did not have that environment variable. I now do ... it works! The plugin is simple and efficient. Sweet! Thanks again