As the title suggests, any save games made after the U.S. entry to the war of the Korean Peninsula, end in a crash after the passing of just a few days within game time. This is once you make a reloading of said save game. You may see an analysis of the crash dump attached to this issue, with anything PID-related removed. Lastly, this is the information pertaining to my system:
AppName: HOI4
AppVersion: Avalanche v1.12.7.8fc8
SCMBranch: stable
SCMCommit: 8fc868106e38837dc4427946976ebf771c4b8297
SCMTimeStamp: "2022-12-05 15:38:41 +0000"
DateTime: "2022-12-25 03:21:07 +1100"
BuildType: Release
Platform: Windows
Architecture: 64-bit
OperatingSystem: Windows 11 x86_64
SystemLanguage: en
CPUModel: AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT 12-Core Processor
CPUSpeed: 0
CPUPhysicalCores: 12
CPULogicalCores: 24
SystemMemory: 65458
LaunchArguments: --continuelastsave --gdpr-compliant --paradox-account-userid="" --pdx-launcher-session-token=""
DataChecksum: d1f0d686c9dd01b157f9989fc7c90325
AppChecksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
HasMods: true
Mods: Cold War Iron Curtain: A World Divided
IsOldSave: false
I've also attached the save game in question, which will hopefully be of help :)
As the title suggests, any save games made after the U.S. entry to the war of the Korean Peninsula, end in a crash after the passing of just a few days within game time. This is once you make a reloading of said save game. You may see an analysis of the crash dump attached to this issue, with anything PID-related removed. Lastly, this is the information pertaining to my system:
I've also attached the save game in question, which will hopefully be of help :)
-- Regards, Phobos D'thorga
73, VK3VKK