swf541 / ColdWarIronCurtain

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India is too unbalanced and not historically accurate #205

Open exquisite2 opened 3 weeks ago

exquisite2 commented 3 weeks ago

India has a massive negative modifier because of caste system but so far through my gameplay only way to reduce these negative modifiers is through the communist ideology branch

Why isnt there similar focuses for other ideology branches its so difficult to remove the negative effects and makes India pretty much unplayable I also couldn't find any focus which reduced corruption as that also gives heavy negative modifiers

China seems to have massive positive bonuses in construction and production which is also historically inaccurate

India doesn't start with a navy or airforce which is grossly inaccurate historically

I didn't find any way in the focus tree to pursue nuclear weapons earlier than India did in real life and researching them takes too much time because of negative modifiers

Alternative paths are present but they largely incomplete and it would be nice if u added more ways to reduce the effect of caste system

Could u add more events to portray how india gets self reliant in food and defence to make it bit more realistic