swico / www.swiss-qr-invoice.org

Website for Swiss QR Invoice organization.
11 stars 1 forks source link

Die Validierungsseite gibt mir immer einen Fehler zurück #36

Open UweGi opened 2 years ago

UweGi commented 2 years ago

Ich erhalte seit heute folgende Fehlermeldung, wenn ich einen QR-Code prüfen möchte: Die Anfrage ist fehlgeschlagen (siehe js logs für mehr Details) Das Log gibt folgendes aus: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://partout.cresus.ch/swiss-qr-invoice/v2/decode' from origin 'https://www.swiss-qr-invoice.org' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. partout.cresus.ch/swiss-qr-invoice/v2/decode:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED main-0bc60c0a4cd1cf3585b2.js:7 Network Error: ({ webService = { error = Just { errorCode = NetworkError, additionalInformation = "", message = "", stackTrace = "" }, decoding = { error = Nothing, raw = Nothing }, validation = { error = Nothing, validations = Nothing }, swicoLine = { error = Nothing, payload = Nothing }, alternativeProcedure1 = { error = Nothing, payload = Nothing }, alternativeProcedure2 = { error = Nothing, payload = Nothing }, generation = { error = Nothing, image = Nothing } }, language = SwissGerman, qrValidation = { hoveredValidations = [] }, dropZone = { hoverState = Normal }, tabs = Validation, files = [{ name = "swissqrbill.png", size = 7294, mimeType = Just (Image Png), blob = { name = "swissqrbill.png", lastModified = 1654668659439, lastModifiedDate = <Wed Jun 08 2022 08:10:59 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)>, webkitRelativePath = "", size = 7294, type = "image/png", arrayBuffer = , slice = , stream = , text = } }] },{ type = "node", branches = [] }) 3content.js:1 Uncaught Error: Extension context invalidated. at u.request (content.js:1:2322) at Object.notifyIframes (content.js:1:4808) at Ea.onMouseDown (content.js:1:132676)

Gestern hat es mit der hochgeladenen Datei noch funktioniert.