swift-serverless / aws-lambda-swift-sprinter

AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for Swift with swift-nio 2.0 support
Apache License 2.0
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Provide a performance comparison by running the same example with different languages. #9

Closed Andrea-Scuderi closed 4 years ago

Andrea-Scuderi commented 5 years ago

Evaluate the performance of this library by comparing it with different languages We need to compare the same example 'HelloWorld' by running it with Lambda using the same configuration but with different languages.

Swift, C#, Java, Go, NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PowerShell

Wanted solution We need a CloudFormation or SAM template to build the test environment. We need the code to run the performance test and obtain a csv or a JSON file with the results. We need a tool to show the graphics of the result. We should be able to change the example to evaluate the performances with a more complex one. The solution should be automated.

Andrea-Scuderi commented 5 years ago

Good examples of the wanted solution can be found here:

  1. https://levelup.gitconnected.com/aws-lambda-cold-start-language-comparisons-2019-edition-%EF%B8%8F-1946d32a0244

see response to my answer

data: https://medium.com/@nathan.malishev/andrea-scuderi-its-been-requested-a-bit-but-unfortunately-i-don-t-have-an-easy-way-to-benchmark-ab3f47c33f6c


  1. https://read.acloud.guru/does-coding-language-memory-or-package-size-affect-cold-starts-of-aws-lambda-a15e26d12c76
Andrea-Scuderi commented 5 years ago

This can be helpful too https://github.com/theburningmonk/lambda-coldstart-comparison

Andrea-Scuderi commented 5 years ago

Interesting article: https://medium.com/the-theam-journey/benchmarking-aws-lambda-runtimes-in-2019-part-i-b1ee459a293d

Added hello world example in swift: https://github.com/Andrea-Scuderi/aws-lambda-benchmark

Andrea-Scuderi commented 4 years ago

The investigation it's closed. Read the results here: https://medium.com/better-programming/swift-on-aws-lambda-performs-like-node-and-python-using-swift-sprinter-d920521130f1