Hi there,
I am facing this issue with primerclip regarding parsing warning (warning snippet is attached below). primerclip is posing this warning on BED file format. I checked the primer BED file format accuracy and I guess it is perfectly fine to be executed by primerclip.
My command is:
primerclip -b masterfile/primers.bed sorted_SAM/sample_sorted.sam primerclip_result/sample_trimmed.sam
Consequently, we have the output .sam file which is not trimmed by primerclip at all. Kindly enlighten me if there is any version issue. I am trying to run primerclip on Ubuntu 22.04.3 operating system.
Hi there, I am facing this issue with primerclip regarding parsing warning (warning snippet is attached below). primerclip is posing this warning on BED file format. I checked the primer BED file format accuracy and I guess it is perfectly fine to be executed by primerclip.
My command is:
primerclip -b masterfile/primers.bed sorted_SAM/sample_sorted.sam primerclip_result/sample_trimmed.sam
Consequently, we have the output .sam file which is not trimmed by primerclip at all. Kindly enlighten me if there is any version issue. I am trying to run primerclip on Ubuntu 22.04.3 operating system.