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Data Entry Screen - Password protect #18

Open swiftcode opened 2 years ago

swiftcode commented 2 years ago

The data entry screen only needs data once a season. Let's put a simple verification on it so that the users cannot use the screen.

We can discuss ways to accomplish this. One way is storing an auth in the keychain.

JaredP45 commented 2 years ago

I found a good tutorial on using Keychain to secure the view. Would this essentially be what we need?

Keychain Services and Biometrics with SwiftUI

swiftcode commented 2 years ago

I found a good tutorial on using Keychain to secure the view. Would this essentially be what we need?

Keychain Services and Biometrics with SwiftUI

The article is for SwiftUI, which is different than UIKit. It could be made to work, but would be more effort than necessary.

I typically use a third party for keychain. Two options are SwiftyKeychain and Valet. I prefer using Valet, using SPM (Swift Package Manager) to install.

When you get time, we can go over this in more detail.

JaredP45 commented 2 years ago

That sounds good, I can begin work on this issue once I get the table view done. If you want, we can hold a zoom meeting or if slack has an equivalent feature.

swiftcode commented 2 years ago

Sure. We can do a zoom meeting. Let me know when.