swiftlang / swift-corelibs-libdispatch

The libdispatch Project, (a.k.a. Grand Central Dispatch), for concurrency on multicore hardware
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DispatchIO.read spinning while pipe is open on Windows #820

Open DimaKozhinov opened 8 months ago

DimaKozhinov commented 8 months ago

The sourcekit-lsp.exe consumes ~24% of CPU power all the time, even when idle. This bug does not appear under Linux, and does not appear in Swift versions earlier than v5.9. It is still present in v5.10. I tested this under VirtualBox, my virtual machine has 4 virtual processors. The host machine has 13th Gen Intel Core i7 processor, so ~24% load seems like a lot of mysterious calculations.

How to reproduce:

  1. Install Swift version 5.9 .. 5.10. Install Microsoft VS Code and Swift extension for it (v1.8.1 from Swift Server Work Group).
  2. Create a test Swift package: mkdir test cd test swift package init
  3. Open the test folder in VS Code. (File | Open Folder...). At this point CPU usage increases, you don't even need to edit any source file. On my (usually silent) PC fan immediately starts rotating much faster, producing loud noise.
  4. Check CPU usage by the sourcekit-lsp.exe: Press Ctrl-Shift-Esc, in the process list find the Visual Studio Code, click ">" next to it to see its sub-processes, and see high CPU usage by sourcekit-lsp .
  5. Return to step 1 and this time install Swift version 5.8.1 or earlier. Repeat step 2 (create Swift package) because earlier version of Swift won't open a package created with a later version. Repeat all next steps and see ~0% CPU usage by sourcekit-lsp.exe .

This bug has nothing to do with VS Code. I found this bug when using my own app that runs sourcekit-lsp.exe, and not VS Code.

ahoppen commented 8 months ago

Tracked in Apple’s issue tracker as rdar://124157417

litewrap commented 8 months ago

Same problem here. Using Swift on Windows 11. I am running Windows 11 under Parallels Desktop on Macbook M1. VS Code 1.8 or recent 1.8.1 and Task Manager shows sourcekit-lsp CPU usage 25% (single swift file open) to 71% (when many .swift files open).

DimaKozhinov commented 8 months ago

To rule out influence of virtual environments like VirtualBox or Parallels, I've tested this on bare metal (3 GHz Intel Core i5-7400, Windows 10):

Swift 5.8.1 sourcekit-lsp CPU usage: 0% (the expected behavior) Swift 5.10 sourcekit-lsp CPU usage: 29%

Small note: This time sourcekit-lsp appeared in Task Manager not as a sub-process of Visual Studio Code, but as a separate background process due to some reason.

nieuwenhoven commented 8 months ago

Same problem. Running Swift 5.10 directly on Windows 11 x64

ahoppen commented 8 months ago

I have managed to reduce the problem to the following.

  1. Replace Sources/sourcekit-lsp/SourceKitLSP.swift with the following main function that doesn’t do anything and just causes sourcekit-lsp to listen for data from stdin.

```swift import Dispatch import Foundation #if canImport(CDispatch) import struct CDispatch.dispatch_fd_t #endif @main struct MyCommand { static func main() throws { let fh = try! FileHandle(forWritingTo: URL(fileURLWithPath: #"C:/Users/rintaro/out.txt"#)) try! fh.seekToEnd() try! fh.write("start\n".data(using: .utf8)!) let queue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "jsonrpc-queue", qos: .userInitiated) #if os(Windows) let rawInFD = dispatch_fd_t(bitPattern: FileHandle.standardInput._handle) #else let rawInFD = inFD.fileDescriptor #endif let receiveIO = DispatchIO(type: .stream, fileDescriptor: rawInFD, queue: queue) { (error: Int32) in if error != 0 { print("IO error \(error)") } } receiveIO.setLimit(lowWater: 1) receiveIO.read(offset: 0, length: Int.max, queue: queue) { done, data, errorCode in print("received \(data?.count ?? -1) data") let fh = try! FileHandle(forWritingTo: URL(fileURLWithPath: #"C:/Users/rintaro/out.txt"#)) try! fh.seekToEnd() try! fh.write(contentsOf: data!) } dispatchMain() } } ```

  1. Build a local toolchain
  2. Launch Visual Studio Code with the locally modified version of sourcekit-lsp by running
    set SDKROOT=S:\Program Files\Swift\Platforms\Windows.platform\Developer\SDKs\Windows.sdk
    path S:\Program Files\Swift\Runtimes\0.0.0\usr\bin;S:\Program Files\Swift\Toolchains\0.0.0+Asserts\usr\bin;%PATH%
    "C:\path\to\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" C:\path\to\a\swiftpm\project
  3. Open Task Manager and notice that sourcekit-lsp is constantly using CPU

I was unable to reproduce this issue by launching this modified version of sourcekit-lsp from the command prompt and passing data to stdin by typing or by piping data to the modified version of sourcekit-lsp using

Get-Content C:\path\to\input.txt | .\sourcekit-lsp.exe

With the following input.txt


``` Content-Length: 5887 {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"initialize","params":{"processId":1948,"clientInfo":{"name":"Visual Studio 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```

ahoppen commented 8 months ago

@tristanlabelle This sounds like a similar issue to https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp/issues/752, which you fixed in https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/796. Do you have any idea what might be going wrong here?

tristanlabelle commented 8 months ago

That's very interesting, thanks for the reduced repro. It points to another pipe handling problem in libdispatch, likely on the reading side, but I don't know what it may be. What kind of received <N> data output do you get when testing this? And does that print send back a broken response to vscode and causes it to misbehave?

ahoppen commented 8 months ago

I just managed to reduce it even further without any dependency on VS Code.

It appears that DispatchIO.read is constantly using CPU time until the pipe to it has been closed.

To reproduce this one:


tristanlabelle commented 8 months ago

Nice repro @ahoppen ! Let me know if this gets into gnarly libdispatch Win32 pipe semantics and you need help. We're tracking this bug as affecting our developers and we could give a hand to the investigation.

ahoppen commented 8 months ago

@tristanlabelle I have reached that stage. If you could investigate it, I would really appreciate it.

tristanlabelle commented 8 months ago

Hi @ahoppen , we'll look into it. Currently our priorities in this area are roughly:

  1. SourceKit-LSP file locking issue
  2. https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp/issues/1139
  3. This
ahoppen commented 3 months ago

It looks like we are spending the time in _dispatch_event_loop_leave_immediate. @tristanlabelle Have you seen this before in your previous fixes of hangs in libdispatch?

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 19 21 13

Edit: Sorry, I just realized that I already reached this debugging state a few months ago. I remembered that you looked into Dispatch before but forgot that the DispatchIO issue was still open.

tristanlabelle commented 3 months ago

@ahoppen I don't remember seeing this before specifically. The trace will be useful though as this is next in the priority list. We got through the file locking issue and I don't think we're hitting the crash anymore (from my list in previous comment). fyi @z2oh

ahoppen commented 3 months ago

That would be amazing. I wonder what kind of fix this will be.

z2oh commented 3 months ago

I've figured out what's causing this, but I'm not sure of a proper fix yet.

By default, Windows pipes are blocking on both the read and write side (PIPE_WAIT).

libdispatch seems to expect non-blocking write semantics on pipes, and so this was effected on Windows in https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/781 by setting the PIPE_NOWAIT flag here: https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/blob/85369bae730669dcee18b771f27f885250971900/src/io.c#L1440-L1456

Perhaps surprisingly, this also changes the read side of the pipe to do non-blocking reads. The original Windows pipe-event implementation (https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/501) took advantage of Windows' blocking-by-default read semantics and spawned a lightweight thread to call ReadFile on the pipe in a loop.

I'm not sure when ReadFile on a PIPE_WAIT pipe would result in ERROR_NO_DATA (the docs don't describe this case in detail), but the dispatch code handles this error by restarting the loop. Under PIPE_NOWAIT, ERROR_NO_DATA is returned immediately on a read of an empty pipe, turning this code into a CPU-hogging polling loop.


The comment in the code here seems to indicate that this error implies we have a non-blocking pipe (which is true as we've seen), but I can't intuit why that should cause the loop to restart. Perhaps there was an assumption that the pipe is still initializing and would eventually be set to PIPE_WAIT? I'm not sure.

https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/781 was cherry-picked into Swift 5.9 (and after), which explains why this issue isn't present in earlier versions.

I've built a local dispatch.dll that switches the pipe back to PIPE_WAIT and I no longer observe the perpetually spinning thread in sourcekit-lsp or in the test repro provided by @ahoppen. Presumably, this reintroduces the bug(s) that https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/781 resolved, so the actual fix will need to be more sophisticated. I'll continue to look into this.

z2oh commented 3 months ago

I've done some more investigation here:

The key insight is that the PIPE_WAIT pipe was cleverly overloaded to perform both data transfer and synchronization (via blocking on a 0-byte read). As far as I can tell, a PIPE_NOWAIT pipe requires some external signaling mechanism to achieve the same kind of synchronization. Because external writers may only have access to the file descriptor of the write side of the pipe, there's no way to get reliable synchronization from outside of libdispatch. Even overlapped I/O (the preferred mechanism for non-blocking pipe semantics) requires explicit signaling when calling WriteFile.

This is to say, I don't see a way to fix this problem without switching back to PIPE_WAIT. As mentioned previously, this will require an alternate solution for the write-hang bug that was mitigated by switching to PIPE_NOWAIT in https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch/pull/781, which is what I will be looking for next.

tristanlabelle commented 3 months ago

It makes sense to me that a final solution would be with PIPE_WAIT pipes, especially since PIPE_NOWAIT is deprecated. For context on the original issue: a PIPE_WAIT write will block if there's not enough buffer space to complete the write (which the dispatch code isn't expecting), and we never were able to find a reliable way to know that there will not be enough buffer space before attempting the write. The function that is supposed to report that information spuriously reports a misleading value of zero bytes. Some possible avenues of investigation:

litewrap commented 3 weeks ago

Just for my information, is there any progress on resolving this very annoying bug on Windows and identified 8 months ago?

tristanlabelle commented 3 weeks ago

@litewrap , I can only speak for the Browser Company and we're not scheduling this work right now. Our investigation to this point showed that it will require a refactoring of libdispatch that stretches our familiarity with the codebase. It doesn't mean we won't do it as I agree it's a bad bug, but we're not currently blocked on it.

rauhul commented 3 weeks ago

FWIW any rewrites of parts of corelibs dispatch should consider using swift, I'm currently battling a dispatch segfault linux.