swiftlang / swift-format

Formatting technology for Swift source code
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New errors associated with the use of `--parallel` since updating Xcode #528

Open michaellenaghan opened 1 year ago

michaellenaghan commented 1 year ago

Since updating to Xcode 14.3 — I think that's right, but I'm not sure — I've been seeing a flood of errors whenever I use --parallel. Here's a sampling of the error messages:

<unknown>: error: Unable to read configuration: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (NSCocoaErrorDomain error 256.)
<unknown>: error: Unable to read configuration: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (NSCocoaErrorDomain error 256.)
<unknown>: error: Unable to read configuration: The operation couldn\U2019t be completed. (NSCocoaErrorDomain error 256.)
<unknown>: error: Unable to open NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/TaskSelectionDefinitionInfo+TaskSelectionDefinitionModel.swift: file is not readable or does not exist
<unknown>: error: Unable to open NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/EventInfo+EventModel.swift: file is not readable or does not exist

As you can see, most errors mention the config file, but some mention other files. Those other files do in fact exist:

$  ls -al "NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/TaskSelectionDefinitionInfo+TaskSelectionDefinitionModel.swift"
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff  1707  6 Feb 15:16 NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/TaskSelectionDefinitionInfo+TaskSelectionDefinitionModel.swift
$ ls -al "NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/EventInfo+EventModel.swift"
-rw-r--r--  1 me  staff  751  6 Feb 15:16 NAAStore/Sources/NAAStoreModelAdapter/_Support/EventInfo+EventModel.swift

This command line produces the errors:

swift-format format --configuration ./swift-format.json --in-place --recursive --parallel .

This one does not:

swift-format format --configuration ./swift-format.json --in-place --recursive .

This morning I upgraded swift-format from 508.0.0 to 508.0.1 and I still see the errors.

michaellenaghan commented 1 year ago

I found an explanation in a closed bug, #421. In --parallel mode swift-format opens a lot of files all at once — and blows past the default maxfiles limit of 256.

Using something like:

ulimit -Sn 4096

in the session "fixes" the problem — until you exit the session (or reboot).

A fix that survives reboot is... more involved.

ahoppen commented 7 months ago

Tracked in Apple’s issue tracker as rdar://126948350

ghugues commented 1 week ago

Hello, Is there a workaround for this ? Right now this makes the --parallel option unusable on large projects, which kind of defeats its purpose.

michaellenaghan commented 1 week ago

@ghugues I wrap swift-format in a bash script. This is what the bash script does:

# `--parallel` opens more files than the default `ulimit` allows.
ulimit -Sn 1024 && swift-format format --configuration ./swift-format.json --in-place --parallel --recursive .