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Swift 6 concurrency guide syntax error #736

Open mickeyl opened 5 months ago

mickeyl commented 5 months ago

In https://www.swift.org/migration/documentation/swift-6-concurrency-migration-guide/swift6mode/ , it says

-swift-version 6 can be passed in a Swift package manager command-line invocation using the -Xswiftc flag:
~ swift build -Xswiftc -swift-version 6
~ swift test -Xswiftc -swift-version 6

which is wrong and leads to a syntax error. The correct invocations are

~ swift build -Xswiftc -swift-version -Xswiftc 6 ~ swift test -Xswiftc -swift-version -Xswiftc 6

mattmassicotte commented 5 months ago

Thanks so much for finding this! The guide actually lives in a seperate repo, and I've got up a change to fix it here:


dempseyatgithub commented 5 months ago

@mickeyl The migration guide has its own repository at https://github.com/apple/swift-migration-guide.

It doesn't look like I can transfer your issue there since the guide repository hasn't made the move to the swiftlang Github organization yet.

Probably the quickest way to have your feedback addressed would be to create an issue in that repository with this feedback.

EDIT: Looks like I was typing a comment into an unrefreshed page and this is already covered.