Open 0acf245c-f0fa-406f-afb9-4746d10f0359 opened 7 years ago
Reduced testcase
import Builtin
import Swift
class B { }
sil @delete_dead_alloc_stack : $(@inout B) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*B):
%1 = alloc_ref $B
%2 = tuple()
return %2 : $()
The pass expects to find a dealloc for the alloc function, possibly invalid SIL?
Yes, that's invalid SIL, because the alloc_ref is never destroyed. This should be detected by the ownership verifier (which should run if you don't pass -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil to sil-opt)
I'm afraid this still crashes if I don't pass the `-assume-unqualified-blah` bit.
I'll try enhancing the verifier to detect this case.
$ ./sil-opt x.sil
sil_stage raw
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
class B {
// delete_dead_alloc_stack
sil @delete_dead_alloc_stack : $@convention(thin) (@inout B) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*B):
%1 = alloc_ref $B
%2 = tuple () // user: %3
return %2 : $() // id: %3
} // end sil function 'delete_dead_alloc_stack'
As I said, this should be detected by the ownership verifier. So no need to add the same check to the SILVerifier.
@gottesmm knows the details about this
Michael asked me to try adding `-enable-sil-ownership` and I can claim it still fails.
Can you try it without running stack promotion through it?
Or, FWIW, when I pass `-enable-sil-verify-all`, i.e.
$ ./sil-opt -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -enable-sil-ownership -enable-sil-verify-all -stack-promotion red4.ll
sil-opt: /home/davide/work/swift/swift/lib/SILOptimizer/Utils/StackNesting.cpp:125: bool swift::StackNesting::solve(): Assertion `(Bits.test(BitNr) || (!BI.ExitReachable && !
y())) && "no dealloc found for alloc stack"' failed.
No error without `-stack-promotion`.
[davide@localhost bin]$ ./sil-opt -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -enable-sil-ownership -enable-sil-verify-all red4.ll -o /dev/null
[davide@localhost bin]$
That isn't what I meant. I meant:
./sil-opt -enable-sil-ownership -enable-sil-verify-all red4.ll -o /dev/null
That passes (and produces many errors). FWIW, I think this should stay open as the compiler still crashes with some combinations (and it shouldn't), but, your call.
@dcci my (personal) feeling is that once ownership gets into its final position (somewhere in the optimizer pipeline), we will introduce a new SIL stage. Then there will no longer be all of these options. The crashes here are just due to us being in an intermediate state of that transition.
Additional Detail from JIRA
| | | |------------------|-----------------| |Votes | 0 | |Component/s | Compiler | |Labels | Bug, SILParser | |Assignee | None | |Priority | Medium | md5: 79392f9bb1951d980d108a9b65b5afd1Issue Description:
This is the first interesting bug, I tweaked my fuzzer/reduction script and now I'm filtering only interesting bugs. stack-promotion crashes on this valid SIL.