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Logging Page doesnt work. Failed to produce diagnostic for expression error. #63819

Open L1mm0n opened 1 year ago

L1mm0n commented 1 year ago


import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var showingLoginScreen: Bool?
    @State private var username = ""
    @State private var password = ""
    @State private var wrongUsername = 0
    @State private var wrongPassword = 0

var body: some View {
                TextField("Usename", text: $username)
                    .frame(width:300, height:50)
                    .border(.red, width: CGFloat(wrongUsername))

                SecureField("Password", text: $password)
                    .frame(width:300, height:50)
                    .border(.red, width: CGFloat(wrongUsername))

                Button("Login") {
                    autheticateUser(username: username, password: password)
            .frame(width: 300, height: 50)

                    destination: Text("Welcome@\(username)"),
                    isActive: showingLoginScreen != nil ? $showingLoginScreen! : nil
                ) {


    func autheticateUser(username: String, password: String) {
        if username.lowercased() == "kevin" {
            wrongUsername = 0
            if password.lowercased() == "Kt200817" {
                wrongPassword = 0
                showingLoginScreen = true
            } else {
                wrongPassword = 1
        } else {
            wrongUsername = 1

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
Failed to produce diagnostic for expression; please submit a bug report (https://swift.org/contributing/#reporting-bugs) and include the project

Expected behavior I excepted it would navigate to the welcome page after entering the write username and password but it has this error.

xedin commented 1 year ago

The problem is with this line - isActive: showingLoginScreen != nil ? $showingLoginScreen! : nil

L1mm0n commented 1 year ago

Can you tell me exactly why? Because it will say showingLogingScreen as a bool, that why I do that line .

xedin commented 1 year ago

isActive: requires Binding<Bool> but $showingLoginScreen would produce Binding<Bool?> so ternary cannot be used here, the binding needs to be constructed explicitly using Binding(get:set:) initializer or drop optionality from showingLoginScreen declaration.