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Off-thread continuation resumes are slow on Linux #67830

Open oxy opened 1 year ago

oxy commented 1 year ago


Starting a continuation on one thread, and then firing the resume on another, when there is currently no other work being done, results in ~30 microseconds of overhead on Linux, as opposed to ~7 microseconds on macOS for the same benchmark, on the same hardware (Xcode 15 beta on macOS, Swift 5.8.1 on Linux).

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. See attached benchmark (uploaded as .txt to make GitHub happy):
    • start continuation on one thread
    • write the continuation into a pipe
    • block on read in a detached task to resume
  2. Run the same benchmark on macOS and Linux and observe significantly different results.


I expected that performance for the two platforms would be vaguely in-line with each other, but the continuation resume step is significantly slower on Linux - a profile verified that it was continuation resumes and not the relative performance of pipes on the two platforms.


Some of the latency appears to be caused by the use of pthread semaphores for signaling on Linux in libdispatch.

Tracking as rdar://113640087.

glessard commented 1 year ago

The benchmark:

import Foundation

class AsyncPipe {
    let pipe: Pipe
    let task: Task<(), Error>
    typealias continuation = UnsafeContinuation<Int, Never>

    init() {
        self.pipe = Pipe()
        self.task = Task.detached { [pipe = self.pipe] in
            while (!Task.isCancelled) {
                let data = try pipe.fileHandleForReading.read(upToCount: 8)!
                let raw = data.reduce(0) { $0 << 8 + UInt64($1) }
                let cont = unsafeBitCast(raw, to: continuation.self)
                cont.resume(returning: Int.random(in: 0...4))

    func nop() async -> Int {
        return await withUnsafeContinuation() { cont in
            let raw = unsafeBitCast(cont, to: UInt64.self)

            withUnsafeBytes(of: raw.bigEndian) { buf in
                try! self.pipe.fileHandleForWriting.write(contentsOf: buf)

    deinit {

func pipeBenchmark() async {
    let ring = AsyncPipe()
    var sum = 0
    for _ in 1...100000 {
        sum += await ring.nop()
    print("Done! Random output:", sum)

await pipeBenchmark()