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Opaque types as inferred associated types violate type safety #73245

Open JadenGeller opened 2 months ago

JadenGeller commented 2 months ago

Description / Reproduction

The following ought to generate a type-error where whoops is declared, but instead it complies and violates type safety, interpreting memory as incorrect type.

protocol ExampleProtocol {}
extension Int: ExampleProtocol {}
extension String: ExampleProtocol {}

struct ExampleFactory {
    func makeExample() -> some ExampleProtocol { 0 }

protocol MakeExampleProtocol {
    associatedtype Example
    func makeExample() -> Example
extension ExampleFactory: MakeExampleProtocol {}

let whoops: ExampleFactory.Example = "hi"
print(whoops) // -> 26984

In the example above, the String "hi" was reinterpreted as an Int since ExampleFactor.Example is Int.

If we were to unsafeBitCast a String to Int, it would trap since the sizes don't match. Instead, we can run the following:

print(unsafeBitCast("hi", to: (Int, Int).self)) // (26984, -2161727821137838080)

As you can see, the first component matches the value of whoops, confirming that Swift in the first example silently reinterpreted whoops's initializing value as a conflicting type.

Expected behavior

Cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'some ExampleProtocol' (result of 'ExampleFactory.makeExample()')


swift-driver version: 1.87.3 Apple Swift version 5.9.2 (swiftlang- clang-1500. Target: arm64-apple-macosx14.0

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JadenGeller commented 2 months ago

I updated the expected behavior from

Cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Int'


Cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'some ExampleProtocol' (result of 'ExampleFactory.makeExample()')

since I don't think type inference should act as a side-channel to determine the concrete instance of an opaque type.

AnthonyLatsis commented 2 months ago

A simpler example:

// test.swift

func f() -> some Sequence { "" }
typealias A = @_opaqueReturnTypeOf("$s4test1fQryF", 0) __

let a: A = "" // OK

let b: A.Element = "" // Crash
let c: A
c = "" // error: cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'A' (aka 'some Sequence') [cannot_convert_assign]

I suspect we are wrongly assuming somewhere that an explicit type annotation necessarily implies the opaque types it represents are declared on the variable.