swiftlang / vscode-swift

Visual Studio Code Extension for Swift
Apache License 2.0
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Publish in the Open VSX Registry #90

Open moritzsternemann opened 2 years ago

moritzsternemann commented 2 years ago

I'd like to suggest to make this extension available through Open VSX, a vendor-neutral open-source alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace.

I'm an avid user of VSCodium, a FooS distribution of Visual Studio Code that provides MIT-licensed binary releases of VS Code that don't include Microsoft's telemetry, for example. Due to licensing concerns, VSCodium uses the Open VSX extension registry over Microsoft's Marketplace. You can read more here.

The process of publishing to Open VSX is described in detail in their official documentation. If this addition is of interest to you, I'm happy to help with the setup and maintenance!

Last but not least, thank you to everyone involved for this awesome addition to the Swift development ecosystem!

svanimpe commented 2 years ago

Can you try it out on Codium first? I've seen reports from users that Codium can behave differently from Code, so the things we rely on (such as CodeLLDB) may not work there.

For example: https://forums.swift.org/t/new-swift-package-repository-for-ubuntu-debian-linux-distributions/50412/37

fourplusone commented 2 years ago

+1 on this one. Publishing the extension on the OpenVSX registry would also make it available for use in non Microsoft services like https://gitpod.io. I can also confirm it works on VSCodium, tested on

Version: 1.66.2
Commit: dfd34e8260c270da74b5c2d86d61aee4b6d56977
Date: 2022-04-13T00:45:34.343Z (4 days ago)
Electron: 17.2.0
Chromium: 98.0.4758.109
Node.js: 16.13.0
OS: Darwin x64 21.4.0
filiptronicek commented 2 years ago

Hi @svanimpe, a Gitpod and OpenVSX commiter here 👋.

I would love if the team could consider publishing on the Open VSX registry. It's thankfully (as @fourplusone also mentioned) a registry not used just solely for VS Codium, but also for many other VS Code forks, including Gitpod or Code server. This means that a released extension can be used by many users, including those who have a copy of VS Code but switched to Open VSX as their Marketplace. It looks like it would now work on VS Codium as well, as @fourplusone pointed out 🙏.

Please let me know if there are any questions or issues, would be super happy to answer them 🙂.

adam-fowler commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is currently sitting with Apple legal. To publish on OpenVSX, Apple need to agree to the terms and conditions. Once we have the go ahead from Apple we will publish.

filiptronicek commented 2 years ago

@adam-fowler awesome, thank you 🙏!

mateusrodriguesxyz commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?

adam-fowler commented 1 year ago

Sorry no updates I'll chase it up.

SimplyDanny commented 1 year ago

Anything new here? I'm also waiting for the extension to be available on Open VSX.

adam-fowler commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry still waiting.

hpux735 commented 9 months ago

Is Apple legal still holding this up?

adam-fowler commented 9 months ago

I haven't chased them recently. I'll give it another go.

hpux735 commented 9 months ago

Cool, thanks!

kirupa commented 5 months ago

@adam-fowler - just wanted to bump this up and see if there are any further updates. I work on IDX (https://idx.dev), Google's cross-platform web IDE. We are built on Code OSS (Visual Studio Code), similar to Gitpod and others, so the extension will work really nicely. We just need it to be published in the OpenVSX Registry for us to be able to surface it.

adam-fowler commented 5 months ago

I have reached out again

obliqueRotationMethod commented 4 months ago

Another bump, this would enable us to use Swift on SAP's Business Application Studio

adam-fowler commented 4 months ago

@obliqueRotationMethod Thanks for reminding me again, this gives me more reasons to get this actioned.

filiptronicek commented 3 months ago

Hey there, with help from @hpux735 we just setup publishing of this extension from the https://github.com/open-vsx/publish-extensions, where extensions are auto-published before they can be taken over by their respective authors. I hope Apple's legal team can enable directly publishing from this repository soon, but until then, it should be available on open-vsx at least like this.

Let me know if you have any questions around the process, happy to help.