swiftraccoon / cpp-sdrtrunk-transcriber

monitor directory for SDRTrunk Project25 mp3 files. categorize files. create transcription file.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`unistd.h` not available in Windows #17

Closed swiftraccoon closed 8 months ago

swiftraccoon commented 8 months ago

The error message you're seeing in the build log indicates that the build process failed due to a missing header file:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such file or directory

The unistd.h header is a POSIX header file and is not available on Windows by default, which is why MSBuild cannot find it. This file typically provides access to the POSIX operating system API, and its absence suggests that the code is using POSIX-specific functions that are not available or are named differently on Windows.

To resolve this issue, you have a few options:

  1. Conditional Compilation: If the code that includes unistd.h is not needed on Windows, you can exclude it using preprocessor directives. For example:

    #ifndef _WIN32
    #include <unistd.h>
  2. Find Windows Alternatives: If the code in fileProcessor.cpp uses functions from unistd.h (like read, write, close, etc.), you will need to find the equivalent Windows functions and use them when compiling on Windows.

  3. Use a Compatibility Layer: There are libraries like unistd.h for Windows, which provide a compatibility layer for Unix-like functions on Windows. You can include such a library in your project to bridge the gap.

  4. Refactor the Code: If the POSIX-specific code is not essential, you could refactor the code to be cross-platform, avoiding the use of unistd.h altogether.