swiftwasm / JavaScriptKit

Swift framework to interact with JavaScript through WebAssembly.
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Add `WebWorkerTaskExecutor` #256

Closed kateinoigakukun closed 2 months ago

kateinoigakukun commented 2 months ago

WebWorkerTaskExecutor is an implementation of TaskExecutor protocol, which is introduced by SE-0417 since Swift 6.0. This task executor runs tasks on Worker threads, which is useful for offloading computationally expensive tasks from the main thread.

The WebWorkerTaskExecutor is designed to work with Web Workers API and Node.js's worker_threads module.

This depends on https://github.com/swiftlang/swift/pull/75008


Try it out: https://swiftwasm-threading-example.vercel.app/

Source: https://github.com/kateinoigakukun/swiftwasm-threading-example/


import JavaScriptEventLoop


func render() async {
  let executor = WebWorkerTaskExecutor(numberOfThreads: 8)
  defer { executor.terminate() }

  await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
      let yStride = scene.height / concurrency
      for i in 0..<concurrency {
          let yRange = i * yStride..<(i + 1) * yStride
          let work = Work(scene: scene, imageView: imageView, yRange: yRange)
          group.addTask(executorPreference: executor) { work.run() }
      if scene.height % concurrency != 0 {
          let work = Work(scene: scene, imageView: imageView, yRange: (concurrency * yStride)..<scene.height)
          group.addTask(executorPreference: executor) { work.run() }

Also JavaScript-side needs some tweaks:

// --- main.js
class ThreadRegistry {
  workers = new Map();
  nextTid = 1;

  spawnThread(worker, module, memory, startArg) {
    const tid = this.nextTid++;
    this.workers.set(tid, worker);
    worker.postMessage({ module, memory, tid, startArg });
    return tid;

  listenMainJobFromWorkerThread(tid, listener) {
    const worker = this.workers.get(tid);
    worker.onmessage = (event) => {

  wakeUpWorkerThread(tid, data) {
    const worker = this.workers.get(tid);

const threads = new ThreadRegistry();
const swift = new SwiftRuntime({
  threadChannel: {
    wakeUpWorkerThread: threads.wakeUpWorkerThread.bind(threads),
    listenMainJobFromWorkerThread: threads.listenMainJobFromWorkerThread.bind(threads)

const module = await WebAssembly.compile("./main.wasm");
const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 256, maximum: 16384, shared: true })

const importObject = {
  wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport,
  javascript_kit: swift.wasmImports,
  env: { memory },
  wasi: {
    "thread-spawn": (startArg) => {
      const worker = new Worker("./worker.js", { type: "module" });
      return threads.spawnThread(worker, module, memory, startArg);

// Instantiate the WebAssembly file
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject);

// Start the WebAssembly WASI instance!
wasi.start(instance, swift);

// --- worker.js 

self.onmessage = (event) => {
  self.onmessage = null;

  const swift = new SwiftRuntime({
    threadChannel: {
      wakeUpMainThread: (unownedJob) => {
        // Send the job to the main thread
      listenWakeEventFromMainThread: (listener) => {
        self.onmessage = (event) => listener(event.data);

  const { module, memory, tid, startArg } = event.data;

  const importObject = {
    wasi_snapshot_preview1: wasi.wasiImport,
    javascript_kit: swift.wasmImports,
    env: { memory },
    wasi: {
      "thread-spawn": (startArg) => {
         throw new Error("Cannot spawn a new thread from a worker thread")

  const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject);
  swift.startThread(tid, startArg);

Dataflow overview

WebWorkerTaskExecutor drawio (1)

Known limitations

@MainActor does not hop back to main thread

Due to an issue in Cooperative global executor, @MainActor and MainActor.run don't switch execution thread when WebWorkerTaskExecutor is preferred.

JSObject instance cannot cross the thread boundary

Due to the underlying Web Worker limitation, JavaScript objects (JSObject) cannot be shared with or transferred to another thread. You need to convert it into Swift-native objects to represent it in shared memory space.

let canvas = JSObject.global.document.getElementById("my-canvas")
Task(executorPreference: executor) {
  let context = canvas.getContext("2d") // Invalid!


github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Time Change: +399ms (4%)

Total Time: 9,570ms

Test name Duration Change
Serialization/JavaScript function call through Wasm import 24ms +5ms (18%) ⚠️
Serialization/JavaScript function call through Wasm import with int 17ms +3ms (18%) ⚠️
Serialization/JavaScript function call from Swift 110ms +15ms (13%) ⚠️
Serialization/Swift Int to JavaScript with assignment 343ms +28ms (8%) 🔍
Serialization/JavaScript Number to Swift Int 320ms +20ms (6%) 🔍
View Unchanged | Test name | Duration | Change | | :--- | :---: | :---: | | Serialization/Swift Int to JavaScript with call | 976ms | +45ms (4%) | | Serialization/Swift String to JavaScript with assignment | 390ms | +14ms (3%) | | Serialization/Swift String to JavaScript with call | 997ms | +8ms (0%) | | Serialization/JavaScript String to Swift String | 3,653ms | +137ms (3%) | | Object heap/Increment and decrement RC | 2,723ms | +121ms (4%) |
View Baselines | Test name | Duration | | :--- | :---: | | Serialization/Call JavaScript function directly | 4ms | | Serialization/Assign JavaScript number directly | 2ms | | Serialization/Call with JavaScript number directly | 3ms | | Serialization/Write JavaScript string directly | 2ms | | Serialization/Call with JavaScript string directly | 5ms |
kateinoigakukun commented 2 months ago

CC: @ephemer might be interested in :)