swiftwasm / WebAPIKit

Access the DOM and other Web APIs from Swift! (Very much a WIP)
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Bring code generation into this repo, update to latest specs, support async functions natively #10

Closed j-f1 closed 2 years ago

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

I rebuilt the code generation using the official (JS-based) WebIDL parser. Taking inspiration from webidl2swift, this will hopefully improve on that package by not having to maintain the parser component. I also:


MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Given that the PR in its current state is huge, do you think that we could start with one small change here and review/merge it separately? I'd assume everything else in the list is blocked by codegen, could we start with moving that to a separate PR?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

It would definitely be possible to start by removing as many of the spec files as possible (while still avoiding compile errors caused by missing declarations). Most of the added files are from specs not previously included in DOMKit.

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

Ok, I think this is the minimal set of specs that can be included.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Currently seeing some breakage in RequestInit.swift and Response.swift 🤔

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Ready for review? Or should we merge as is and then tackle separate APIs on case-by-case basis as we have more experience using them?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

I guess merging as-is makes sense.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Ugh, even opening the diff screen slows the browser page down to a crawl. Merging as-is indeed 😅

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

Can we remove auto-generated sources from repo and use SwiftPM built-tool plugin instead?

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

I hope we can, and it's more of a question of whether we want to make it more convenient for DOMKit devs or our users. Adding an additional codegen step will slow down the build, but OTOH we could speed that up in the future by providing prebuilt binaries, similar to what Linux already supports. Obviously, with a caveat for the lack of ABI stability when targeting Wasm.

Let's investigate SwiftPM codegen plugins and see how that performs then?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

FWIW the codegen of the full set of specs takes under 10 seconds on my M1 Pro

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

The downside of doing codegen on user's side is that we'd require Node.js to be installed for all users of DOMKit. What do you think about this new potential requirement?

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

For the build speed, it's reasonable to provide pre-generated sources in this repo 👍 BTW, we still have some benefits to providing the codegen plugin to allow users to try the latest WebIDL without waiting for DOMKit update.

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

Let me try porting it to a plugin

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

I'm still not 100% sure that passing build flags is convenient enough with SwiftPM, but maybe we could switch between plugin and pre-generated versions with a build flag after all?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

we'd require Node.js to be installed for all users of DOMKit

Not necessarily — as part of our release process, we could bundle the output of node parse-all.js as a JSON file. That could then be turned into Swift code at user build time with no Node.js requirement.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Ah, I missed that part, that's great!

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

Hmm, I faced some troubles while porting to the plugin system.

  1. Output filenames of WebIDLToSwift cannot be determined at build planning time, so we need to use .prebuildCommand
  2. prebuildCommand doesn't support build tools built from sources for now due to limitations of SwiftPM build planning architecture.

If we complete https://github.com/swiftwasm/DOMKit/issues/14, it would be able to use .buildCommand, I think.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Does this mean that we have to know all the names of .swift output files upfront for WebIDLToSwift to work as .buildCommand?

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

Does this mean that we have to know all the names of .swift output files upfront for WebIDLToSwift to work as .buildCommand?


j-f1 commented 2 years ago

That could be handled by emitting all the sources into one file — I had the code emit to multiple files to match the old behavior, but there’s no particular reason for that.

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

OK, let me try merging into a single file