swiftwasm / WebAPIKit

Access the DOM and other Web APIs from Swift! (Very much a WIP)
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Multiple library products and union types #14

Closed MaxDesiatov closed 2 years ago

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Playing with the library a bit more, I think it would be great to split it into separate targets and products, if possible. As an example, people who don't need WebGL don't need to build WebGL wrappers, but I think it still makes sense to provide them.

IDK if WebIDL specifies dependencies between their "modules", so maybe we'd need to hardcode those on our side for things to work?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

WebIDL doesn't really specify dependencies as far as I can tell, and any spec can define additional properties/methods on a type from any other spec.

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

Ultimately I think we need an overlay with some manual citation of the generated code. For example, canvas.getContext() can return a WebGL context, which requires that we have all the WebGL types included. A better API for Swift would be to have canvas.contextXXX accessors that return a specified context type, replacing the need for getContext and therefore allowing WebGL to be optional.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

I agree.

Not necessarily related to the issue of splitting into separate products, but we also need to do something about ugly nullable_Double_or_seq_of_nullable_Double types. Maybe a better way to handle them would be to create overloaded functions/initializers that take arguments of different types and pass them in to JavaScript directly, avoiding the need for these ad-hoc enums altogether.

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

I think for parameter types we should be able to make those union types into protocols, so that you can pass any value. That does mean the Context type will need to get a new property that controls whether the types it’s printing will be “in” types (i.e. going to JS) or “out” types (i.e. going to Swift) [I have no idea if there are words for this already]. Then we’d be able to pick between having the enum as the return value and having the protocol existential as the parameter.

The ugly names are unfortunate, though. I have some code already that renames them to a human-readable name if they’re used inside a typedefs (i.e. a hypothetical typedef (string | double) ObjectKey would be called ObjectKey instead of String_or_Double). For types that don’t have a good name (since they’re used directly in method types, for example), we could always write custom names and put them in a mapping somewhere.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

Is there a downside to my proposed overloads solution that makes you prefer union types as protocols over overloads?

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

It would make the code generator more complicated (although that’s no justification, I simply means I’m lazy haha). But also due to the way Cartesian products work, we would end up with many same-named overloads if there were methods with multiple union-typed parameters. Finally, is it even possible to overload properties? They can have a union type too.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

This makes sense. BTW, protocols have a runtime performance overhead over enums, but I agree they may be more suitable as they are more flexible in terms of future additions. Enums are quite rigid, as we've already witnessed with JSValue breakage.

CC @kateinoigakukun.

j-f1 commented 2 years ago

Mmm, good point about the enums. Maybe we should make our union type’s concrete implementations be structs, then. Or maybe we don’t need a concrete type at all, just a function that can decode a JSValue to any of the supported types (from my example above:

// maybe an extension on JSValue? Maybe public or maybe internal?
func foo(_ value: JSValue) -> ObjectKey {
  String.construct(from: value) ?? Double.construct(from: value)

I wish there were a way to define methods directly on protocol existentials…

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

For the performance overheads, if user passes a concrete type to a function that takes an existential abstracted type and the callee is inlinable, the boxing overheads can be omitted.

Unlike JSValue, library users wouldn't use the union type directly and wouldn't store an object as the union type in properties. Therefore we can assume that the boxing would happen only in passing arguments and output objects, and the former boxing can be omitted by inlining.

kateinoigakukun commented 2 years ago

This feature is very important in the aspect of build artifact size. Ideally, the size issue should be resolved by cross module DCE, but the latest compiler doesn't do it now, so we need to split modules carefully.

MaxDesiatov commented 2 years ago

I'm closing this as multiple library products are now available in main. A more robust approach for union types can be discussed in a separate issue.