swig-fortran / swig

This fork of SWIG creates Fortran wrapper code from C++ headers.
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Rewrite inheritance #54

Closed sethrj closed 6 years ago

sethrj commented 6 years ago


class A {
    virtual ~A();
    virtual void foo() = 0;
    void bar();
    void bar(int a);

class B : public A {
    void foo();
    void bar(double c);
    void baz();

In the above, C wrapper code will be generated for all the methods in A, plus the bar(double) and baz methods in B. Because bar in B shadows the base class method, it will not have the overloads for the base class bar methods.

Fortran proxy code:

function derived_to_base(derived) &
    use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
    type(A) :: base
    class(B) :: derived
    type(C_PTR) :: fresult 
    type(C_PTR) :: farg1 

    farg1 = derived%swigptr
    fresult = swigc_derived_to_base(farg1)
    base%swigptr = fresult
end function
sethrj commented 6 years ago

Per my email discussions with @wsfulton we'll keep the current inheritance but warn/rename cases that don't work.