swimlane / ngx-charts

:bar_chart: Declarative Charting Framework for Angular
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Height graph for bike riders #416

Open HarelM opened 7 years ago

HarelM commented 7 years ago

I'm submitting a ... (check one with "x")

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What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? Bike riders have a very strict requirements when it comes to height graph:

  1. Tooltip must always be seen when hovering on a chart (not just on existing points but also in between, no matter where the mouse is in terms of Y axis).
  2. Hovering on the chart should emit events so that the hover point can be seen on a map.
  3. When hovering on a route on a map the chart should be able to "simulate" hovering (kind of two way binding between the chart and the map). expected behavior can be seen here: http://israelhiking.osm.org.il/#!/?s=IGlHIDzYmN by clicking on the bottom right chart icon and hovering the route/chart.

I was thinking on migrating out of google charts since they are not built with angular and it's a pain to add them in, but I need to know all the above features are supported, couldn't understand it from the documentation or the demo pages...

HarelM commented 6 years ago


HarelM commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to get the location inside the svg element that corresponds to a certain X value on the chart? I'll be happy to help implement it, but I need someone's help to do so...