swimlane / ngx-dnd

🕶 Drag, Drop and Sorting Library for Angular2 and beyond!
MIT License
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multiple drop happening in dynamically created ngx-dnd-contianer (s) (used ngFor iteration)-stackblitz URL added #185

Closed raziuddinmohd closed 2 years ago

raziuddinmohd commented 3 years ago

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Current behavior I'm creating multiple ngx-dnd-containers dynamically through looping (ngFor) and when I'm dragging an dnd-ngx-item in one container, as soon as I drop it all the dynamically created containers are rendered with the dropped item

Expected behavior on dropping an ngx item , it should pushed the item in the respective container only.

Reproduction of the problem https://stackblitz.com/edit/swimlane-ngx-dnd-sortables-1gqbpf?file=src/app/app.component.ts

What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? want to create multiple ngx-container in one drag and drop activity

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