swimlane / soc-faker

A python package for use in generating fake data for SOC and security automation.
MIT License
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Add ability to generate multiple logs that all match a single network/environment #13

Open reswob10 opened 4 years ago

reswob10 commented 4 years ago

It would be great if soc-faker could take parameters or read an optional config file that would enable it to create logs that all appear to come from a single environment.

for example: subnet: orgname: Faker users: first.last timeframe: 1300 - 1600

would generate logs where IPs (source or destination depending on the type of log generated) would only be in the subnet, the machine/host names would be some variation of Faker, the usernames would be random but all have a format of first.last and the logs would only take place between 1300 - 1600 (up to the user to manipulate the timezones)

That would be great.