swindonmakers / AccessSystem

Swindon Makerspace access system
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Add the /whois command to the telegram bot #55

Closed castaway closed 1 year ago

castaway commented 1 year ago

/whois returns whether that member exists, which tier they are in, and their current valid / paid status

castaway commented 1 year ago

1: Tier should be considered privileged information. If somebody is paying concession rates or not is, in some cases, legally protected. Concession-payers and vip-payers explicitly are not more or less important than each-other just because they pay different amounts of money, and thus there is no reason for anybody to be told. Weekender or full-time is the only thing anybody has any reason to know. On the other hand, despite the commit message, the /whois command does not give any tier information, so this point is somewhat moot.

Tier does actually only output "Standard", "Weekend" or "Sponsor" (and is mostly there for the "door doesnt work, well thats cos its not 6pm on Wed yet" etc situations.. I could change it to output their access hours instead ?

theorbtwo commented 1 year ago

Tier does actually only output "Standard", "Weekend" or "Sponsor" (and is mostly there for the "door doesnt work, well thats cos its not 6pm on Wed yet" etc situations.. I could change it to output their access hours instead ?

Oh! Missed a single line in my read-through -- clearly I should read a little more carefully. I'd prefer it show access hours. (Past egalitarian reasons, I don't have the 6 PM number memorized.)