swindonmakers / AccessSystem

Swindon Makerspace access system
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Add support for tool active state recording #95

Closed AnotherMatt92 closed 3 weeks ago

AnotherMatt92 commented 2 months ago

To track tool usage the thing controller can send message when the tool is activated (mains power to the tool) and deactivated including how long it was on for It also will send a message every 5 mins if it is still on, as some people may turn off the thing controller before logging out meaning there is no off message So if there is a new sign in or a no response for more than 5 mins it can be assumed its been turned off at the wall

Message will contain user token ID (RFID value) thing UUID state (on or off as 1/0) active_time message - text version of whats happening along the lines of "LASER was turned on by A Smith"

The server can already receive this message but does nothing with it right now so this needs to be added

AnotherMatt92 commented 4 weeks ago

Exact message items are tool_access? (query type followed by) token=ABCDEF (FRID tag ID same as other querys) thing=uuid (same as other querys) msg=text (general description of whats happening) state=0/1 (for on/off of tool) active_time=int (number of seconds)

An example would be

this is saying bob is still using the laser and its been active so far for 5 minutes (300 seconds)