swingmx / swingmusic

Swing Music is a beautiful, self-hosted music player for your local audio files. Like a cooler Spotify ... but bring your own music.
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Revamped Home/Landing Page #128

Closed gerryflux closed 9 months ago

gerryflux commented 1 year ago

The current landing page with user's music folders could be reworked.

In most cases, people have music buried in multiple folders and only use software such as this not to view folders but all their music in one place in a more structured manner.

This app so far does that, and to make for an even more immersive experience and match the vision you have for the app, the home/landing page could instead look like what Apple Music does or even this - I find the design language similar too.

I imagine the page being scrollable with sections like:

They could each have say 4 medium sized or 2 large size cards per section, it would beautifully fit perfectly on the home page.

cwilvx commented 1 year ago

Hello @gerryflux

Sorry for the lack of a homepage. There's no homepage at the moment because there's no data to show ... let me explain.

I agree with and share your vision of the homepage. However, all the features that collect and process the data needed by the homepage are not developed yet. For example, to be able to create mixes, you need to record all the music played and then analyze it to create mixes. Currently, the app does not do that. So I decided instead of showing a boring homepage that just shows you random things, I build the necessary features first.

At the moment, I'm focusing on building the basic features that are required in a typical music player. Like volume controls, etc. You can check the Todo here: https://rhetorical-othnielia-565.notion.site/Next-release-TODO-A-wishlist-ff6df76a7dbc4d5c8fd2f9437641055a?pvs=4

I'm the only maintainer for this project, so pushing things is slow.

Thank you for understanding.