swinkler149 / 901K-Sandbox

901K Sandbox Project
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AD002 As a user, I want to view the geographic correlation between a selected Employment category and a selected Agricultural classification, so that I can infer a conclusion based on that correlation. #5

Open bmcelhaney opened 9 years ago

bmcelhaney commented 9 years ago

I would like to view a map of the U.S. along with two dropdown boxes. One dropdown will represent Employment categories, established by DOL Occupational Employment statistics data. The other dropdown will represent USDA's Agricultural Field Crop Commodity Types, as established by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. When both dropdown boxes have been populated, the map of the U.S. will show the relative U.S. size/magnitude of each category by a graphical representation/layer (e.g. heatmap) on the map.

bmcelhaney commented 9 years ago

For the purpose of further clarity within this User Story and Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Agricultural data will include Acres Harvested for all Commodities within the Group 'Field Crops', within the Sector 'Crops', within the Program 'Census'.
  2. Occupational Employment data will include OES data from 2013, and include the Total number of Employees and Occupation Group number of Employees, by State, within the 'Major' and 'Broad' Groups of occupational Codes.
  3. Following user input, the rendered map requirement is somewhat flexible, meaning whatever is cool and works well in Leaflet is fine. What I am imagining is something like two layers, each representing one of the selection criteria - for example, a heatmap showing crop concentration, with a stick pin showing number of the selected occupation employees/ total employees within the state.
ferrx commented 9 years ago

re point 3, that seems like a really sensible approach to a correlation example. will it show all stick pins at once? i'd imagine handling state-clicking would be a task on its own. maybe if you're zoomed in enough it will show the extra information similar to how proximity-based context works -- but rather than just location as input, the input is location + altitude (think of how redfin.com works).

food for thought.

bmcelhaney commented 9 years ago

As discussed in yesterday's scrum, I'm somewhat flexible here. Ideally, for this sprint, we want to see a full view of the U.S. and be able to correlate commodities vs. occupations across the entire country. Recognizing that stick pins could get a little crowded in the Northeast, a zoom feature would be all the better.