swirldev / swirl

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Error Installing Swirl as well.. #608

Open AlokaUSP opened 7 years ago

AlokaUSP commented 7 years ago


FireFighter1017 commented 7 years ago

I hadexact same issue here with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I had an error about openssl which I corrected by installing it with apt. But then it complains about not being able to read RCurl's curl-config. So I scrolled a bit higher in the log to find that curl package itself was not installed. So I installed libcurl4-openssl-dev with apt and ran install.packages('swirl') again.

... And it worked!

Always read logs completely, someone worked hard to have this information displayed. We should take good care of reading it!

AlokaUSP commented 7 years ago

Thank you!!