swirldev / swirl_courses

:mortar_board: A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
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Issue in starting "Manipulating Data with dplyr" module of the "Getting and Cleaning Data" course #498

Open evankilli opened 2 years ago

evankilli commented 2 years ago


Installed the "Getting and Cleaning Data" course so that I could keep digging into R after finishing the main "R Programming" course. Installed fine, but when I try and load the first module in the "Getting and Cleaning Data" course, I get this error:

Attempting to load lesson dependencies...

| Package ‘dplyr’ loaded correctly!

Error in yaml.load(readLines(con, warn = readLines.warn), error.label = error.label,  : 
  (C:/Users/evan.killion/OneDrive - Resource Systems Group, Inc/Documents/R/win-library/4.1/swirl/Courses/Getting_and_Cleaning_Data/Manipulating_Data_with_dplyr/lesson.yaml) Scanner error: while scanning a tag at line 205, column 9 did not find expected whitespace or line break at line 205, column 19

| Leaving swirl now. Type swirl() to resume.

Tried searching through old and current issues but couldn't find anything similar, is there any way I can fix this so I can continue the course?

YHx07 commented 2 years ago

The same issue: https://github.com/swirldev/swirl_courses/issues/394

YHx07 commented 2 years ago

This problem with "!" in the beginning of line:

Hint: !is.na(c(3, 5, NA, 10)) will negate the previous command, thus telling us what is NOT NA.

I think the most useful solution:

- Class: cmd_question
  Output: 'Now, put an exclamation point (!) before is.na() to change all of the TRUEs to FALSEs and all of the FALSEs to TRUEs, thus telling us what is NOT NA: !is.na(c(3, 5, NA, 10)).'
  CorrectAnswer: "!is.na(c(3, 5, NA, 10))"
  AnswerTests: omnitest('!is.na(c(3, 5, NA, 10))')
  Hint: Expression !is.na(c(3, 5, NA, 10)) will negate the previous command, thus telling us what is NOT NA.```
edaconcept1 commented 2 years ago

Hello Guys, Please I need help on my first programming assignment on getting and cleaning data, I have installed my R programming and I started the assignment from sandbox but I get to the git page I don't know how to link it together. please kindly assist me.
