Closed MyriamSchmidt closed 11 months ago
I changed the order to follow the ids. Can you check if it is now better for those mentioned, and still ok for the others?
In Notizen zu den Farbtafeln by Johannes Itten ( are two pages that are in the wrong places. Page [39] is on position 62 instead of position 39. And page 10v comes last and should be in position 108.
Dokumente zur Ausstellung «Afrikanische Kunst aus Schweizer Sammlungen» ( is still in disarray. From position 16 onwards pages are in the wrong places.
Dokumente zum Vortrag «Kunst und Kunsterziehung» ( is fine.
Dokumente zu einem Vortrag «Erziehung des Architekten» ( is fine.
In [Johannes Itten]: Farbkurs Ulm und andere Kurse ( the first page is on the last position on JILA.
In [Johannes Itten]: Kassel I. und II. Farbkurs u. a. ( the pages [45] and [46] are positioned fourth respectively third to last instead of positions 45 and 46. And the last two pages [71] and [72] are in the wrong sequence.
Johannes Itten: Tagebuch Italien-Reise ( begins with pages [21] and [22] on JILA.
In Johannes Itten: Skizzen zur Impressiven Farbenlehre ( page 1v should be in position 4 instead of last. Pages 50 and 51 are on positions 20 and 21. Pages [22] and [23] are on the third and second to last position.
Weihnachtsmappe von Emmy Anbelang ( are the pages also in disarray. Pages [1] and [2] are in the positions 7 and 8.
The pages are still in disarray on JILA additionally the following have been found:
[Johannes Itten]: IV. Kurs Rheinhardswaldschule (
Exzerpte aus "Lehrbuch der Physiologie" von E. Aberhalden (
Brief von Walter Tralau, Wera Meyer-Waldeck und Gerhard Marcks (
Johannes Itten: Beschreibung einer chinesischen Weihstele (
Manuskripte zur Farbenlehre. Ordner III (
Johannes Itten an Anna Höllering (
Johannes Itten an Alfred Altherr (
Entwurfsmanuskript 1 zum Vortrag "Hölzel und sein Kreis" (
Further documents in disarray:
Aufsatz "Der Vorkurs" (
Johannes Itten: Farblehre Bd. II (
Johannes Itten: Farblehre Bd. III (
Notizen über Gandhi (
Vortrag "Typenlehre" (
Johannes Itten: Die Ausbildung der Industrial Designer (
@fkraeutli is it of any use for you if I keep going with my finds of documents in disarray?
The issue is that we have no metadata about the 'proper' order of documents. Are they in the correct order in the IIIF manifests?
They are correctly displayed on e-manuscripta. As far as I see they also operate with IIIF manifests.
Great, then we might derive the order from there
I implemented the mapping to use the IIIF manifest order. will remap now
Images are now ordererd as they are in the IIIF Manifests. For example:
Can you check @JoelleFischer ?
Unfortunately the examples I checked are still in the wrong order.
Ah I found the problem. The positions are correct in the data, but they have been ordered alphabetically. So not 0, 1, 2 but 0, 1, 10, 100. I will change this in the mapping so it's fixed at the source
Thanks. You seem to have solved the problem. I've checked most of the above mentioned documents and they are all in the right order now.
That's great to hear! Thanks for your patience
Unfortunately the scanned pages in Notizen zu den Farbtafeln by Johannes Itten are in total disarray, structured by page numbers: It seems the chapter structure from emanuscripta is not followed:
Same with Dokumente zur Ausstellung "Afrikanische Kunst aus Schweizer Sammlungen", compare the page order in
Same with Dokumente zum Vortrag "Kunst und Kunsterziehung", compare the page order in
Same with Dokumente zu einem Vortrag "Erziehung des Architekten", page [17] and [18] should be at the end.