swiss-seismological-service / REIA-web

Frontend report generation for results of the near real time event specific loss calculations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Scenario Layout #15

Closed schmidni closed 6 months ago

schmidni commented 11 months ago

User Story

As a person who looks at the sheets I always need to have the correct version, either Scenario or RIA, of the sheet.

Acceptance Criteria

Whether the version is automatically changed depending on the metadata or whether an installation always shows one of the two has to be decided. But the two versions need to be managed easily and with as little overhead and duplication as possible in code.

schmidni commented 7 months ago



schmidni commented 6 months ago

"Weitere Ereignisdaten" should just be a link to

If there are texts which are different from the RIA or additional, should already be present in the translation file.

romanoe commented 6 months ago

Regarding the Weitere Ereignisdaten link: Since the href link is generated within the InfoTable component and the getOriginInfo endpoint doesn't contain the type (either 'natural' or 'scenario'), how should this be approached? Should we call getAllRiskAssessments within AddOriginInfo to retrieve this information and changing the the originInfo href on the fly, or should it be made available through the getOriginInfo endpoint (REIA-ws) thereby making the href dependent on the 'type'?

Edit : is evaluationmode consistent with types ? Automatic -> scenario, Manual -> natural ?

schmidni commented 6 months ago

philipp described the evaluationmode here, it has nothing to do with scenario: :)

depends on how you are controlling everything. If you change the information for the scenario type from one central place, I would just do the same and change/hide/update the href from the same central place.

Otherwise you could also add another attribute on the InfoTable to control the link from the outside. I think none of the solutions are pretty.

kaestli commented 6 months ago

sorry this question from the side line: but why not adding the scenario/real flag to the origin info response? It is kind of relevant if you are in a mixed-content environment...