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Develop a Way to "Fold" the Activities Into a Specific Business Object #20

Open l00mi opened 7 months ago

l00mi commented 7 months ago

How to describe a Business Object (BO) which is informed by a set of activities (and there attached entities) and potentially automatically create it.

bequrios commented 6 months ago

Based on our current design principles, the following query will build a BO with all currently valid entities:

PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX dcterm: <>

SELECT ?predicate ?object WHERE {
    ?entity dcterm:isPartOf :affair;
        rdf:predicate ?predicate;
        ?predicate ?object.

    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?entity prov:wasInvalidatedBy ?activity.}
l00mi commented 4 months ago

Can we check if the same Activity has multiple Versions (only differing by Date and Entity) that we can get the last Version which are part of an Viewpoint.

We have : E1.1 E1.2 E2.1 E3.1 E3.2 E3.3

Viewpoint shows -> E1.2 E2.1 E3.3