swisskyrepo / GraphQLmap

GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. - Do not use for illegal testing ;)
MIT License
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Correcting "NameError: nome 'time' is not defined" #33

Closed alexloney closed 2 years ago

alexloney commented 3 years ago

When using GraphQLmap and attempting to use the postgresqli feature, you will receive a "NameError: name 'time' is not defined" which occurs because time was not imported.

$ python3 -u https://site/graphql -v --json
   _____                 _      ____  _                            
  / ____|               | |    / __ \| |                           
 | |  __ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ | |  | | |     _ __ ___   __ _ _ __  
 | | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| |  | | |    | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ 
 | |__| | | | (_| | |_) | | | | |__| | |____| | | | | | (_| | |_) |
  \_____|_|  \__,_| .__/|_| |_|\___\_\______|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ 
                  | |                                       | |    
                  |_|                                       |_|    
                              Author: @pentest_swissky Version: 1.0 
GraphQLmap > postgresqli
Query > select version()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kali/GraphQLmap/", line 79, in <module>
  File "/home/kali/GraphQLmap/", line 63, in __init__
    blind_postgresql(self.url, self.method, self.headers, self.use_json)
  File "/home/kali/GraphQLmap/", line 137, in blind_postgresql
    print("\033[92m[+] Started at: {}\033[0m".format(time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))))
NameError: name 'time' is not defined

This pull request resolves the issue by adding the time import.