swissmanu / harmonyhubjs-client

A Node.JS library which allows you to interact with your Logitech Harmony Hub.
MIT License
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npm dependency issue (missing 'node-xmpp-client' and 'q') #16

Closed KraigM closed 8 years ago

KraigM commented 8 years ago

When I install version 1.1.7, it only installs:

harmonyhubjs-client@1.1.7 node_modules/harmonyhubjs-client
├── node-xmpp-core@4.2.0 (ltx@2.2.0)
└── node-xmpp-stanza@1.1.0 (ltx@2.2.0)

which then blows up because it is missing the other dependencies

ERROR LOADING PLUGIN homebridge-harmonyhub:
Error: Cannot find module 'node-xmpp-client'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/kraigm/git/HomeAutomation/homebridge-harmonyhub/node_modules/harmonyhubjs-client/lib/login/hub.js:2:14)
    at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)

I think it may have to do with shrinkwrap but I have never used that so Im not even sure how it works. All I know is the two dependencies that resolved were the only ones specified in the shrinkwrap

swissmanu commented 8 years ago

Did you a "clean install" or just an update? Further is this issue really related to q? I see the dependency clearly declared in the package.json and your stacktraces do not mention anything about it :)

There are currently some dependency problems regarding node-xmpp-* and ltx I'm trying to solve currently. I want the xmpp modules to use a customized version of ltx which is not that easy is I wanted to be :-/

swissmanu commented 8 years ago

Okay... As far as I can verify, version 1.1.8 should fix the mess with node-xmpp-* and ltx.

Please make sure you are using the latest version of npm (npm install npm -g) and try to install the newest version 1.1.8 of harmonyhubjs-client (release notes here:

KraigM commented 8 years ago

I worked around it by re-shrinkwrapping it but its gross ( I will try this without my shrinkwrap when I get a chance. Thanks!

And thanks for the awesome modules. They made my life so much easier when integrating harmony hub with Siri ( has had a lot of happy users including me :smile:

swissmanu commented 8 years ago

thank you for your kind words @KraigM! really appreciate :) awesome what you built with your homebridge plugin btw. have to give it a testdrive once.