swisspost / design-system

The Swiss Post Design System pattern library for a consistent and accessible user experience across the web platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement path aliases for components package #3012

Closed oliverschuerch closed 2 weeks ago

oliverschuerch commented 2 weeks ago

To make imports (of let's say local utils, etc.) simpler, we can add compilerOptions in the tsconfig.json file. This will enable us to do this: import { myUtil } form '@utils/my-util'; instead of this: import { myUtil } form '../../../../utils/my-util';.

### Tasks
- [x] Add path aliases to tsconfig.json where usefull
- [x] Update file imports
oliverschuerch commented 2 weeks ago

Needed to update stencil to get a fix, which enables the wanted feature:

oliverschuerch commented 2 weeks ago

Duplicates #2881