swisspost / design-system

The Swiss Post Design System pattern library for a consistent and accessible user experience across the web platform.
Apache License 2.0
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Should we add the triage and backlog states for our project? #3029

Open gfellerph opened 2 weeks ago

gfellerph commented 2 weeks ago

New, unsorted tickets get the status "Ready for work" which seems wrong. To represent our real workflow, we should add two more states:

  1. Triage: The ticket has not been reviewed yet, it's unclear if we're even going to do it or if it's a valid ticket (anybody in the world could submit tickets to our repository)
  2. Backlog: The ticket is triaged, has a priority and a size but no assignee yet. It's not on the emergency board and not in the focus milestone, we'll have a look at it at a later time