switchdoclabs / OurWeatherWeatherPlus

OurWeather Software for WeatherPlus Board - creates (or you rename) a directory called "SDL_ESP8266_WeatherPlus"
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OLEDDisplay.h Display_weather_large missing dewpoint #11

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

AM2315 Dewpoint display block is missing from DISPLAY_WEATHER_LARGE in OLEDdisplay.h file.

This block existed in build 021 but is not present in the 023 build I just downloaded. Was this by design?

Adding this block in, throws the rest of the numbering in that section off, and so that will need to be corrected.

Also, why was the variable name "dewpoint" used when it is AM2315_Temperature and AM2315_Humidity? I'm going to be submitting a few more suggestions like these for your consideration soon.