swkBerlin / kata-bootstraps

Empty projects for different languages with a failing test
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Solutions to Katas #223

Closed Besuf closed 6 months ago

Besuf commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I wrote this as an issue because I don't know where else to write questions or suggestions about https://kata-log.rocks/. So, I just implemented my first kata. The thing is I'd like to know if my implementation is good enough by comparing my work to an answer / codebase given for a kata. The individual Katas are really nice and also helps you target specific weaknesses. However, I don't see all of this helping to the full potential unless there's a way we can compare our implementation probably to the implementation of the question creator. Any directions to address this case would be much obliged :)

mklose commented 6 months ago

@Besuf it's not the purpose of this repo to provide solutions. I recommend https://www.codewars.com/ for that, you can look up other solutions once you have solved a kata.

coulas commented 6 months ago

Katas solution is more about your way of working, your methodology than an implementation result. Their value is in the discussion, the "why did write those lines that way ?" The repository you are looking for is probably : https://github.com/advent-of-craft/advent-of-craft Where you'll find programming exercises and solutions. You are welcome to also join the discussion on their associated Discord. Happy coding !

Besuf commented 6 months ago

Thank you, guys, for the explanation!