swkWien / sessions

Session presentations for Coding Dojo Vienna
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Meetup-> Group name #115

Closed redseacomputing closed 11 months ago

redseacomputing commented 1 year ago

There have been past discussions around this topic. To increase the visibility of the Softwerkskammer there will be a meetup group for our events.

The content of the Softwerkskammer homepage will be used as description. An internet link to the official softwerkskammer.org page will be included.

Possible names of the group are "Software Crafters" or "Software Craftsmanship"

I ask you for feedback and suggestions regarding the name of the group. Best regards, Christopher

@codecop @maosmurf @gregorriegler @ReaSu @caichinger @goerge @rolger

codecop commented 1 year ago

To add more context. Redsea will create a meetup account to amplify our reach. I propose to create it similar to software crafters Zurich or Berlin. Details of name and description are for discussion

e.g. https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/software-craftsmanship-berlin/ or https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Software-Craftsmanship-Zurich/

caichinger commented 1 year ago

From the examples offered so far I would go for "Software Crafters Vienna" (not sure about upper/lower case).

caichinger commented 1 year ago

Out of interest, can you provide more context please?

There have been past discussions around this topic.

What happened since the last discussion?

To increase the visibility of the Softwerkskammer there will be a meetup group for our events.

I guess visibility is a good thing.

How are we going to use meetup.com? Like a mirror for softwerkskammer.org events? Who manages the account and eventual events? Who pays for the account?

redseacomputing commented 1 year ago

@ReaSu and myself has noticed that it's no fun to prepare stuff for dojos if nobody shows up. Since there was no output from existing "lets change to meetup" discussions I want to pay and manage the account from now on.

And yes, it should be a mirror of the swk events of course.

redseacomputing commented 1 year ago

There is a newly created meetup group "Software Crafters Vienna". Take a look at this web page and respond if you are happy with name, description and so on.

Unfortunately, the next CR is limited but I think this is the best way to attract open minded people in general. @codecop @maosmurf @gregorriegler @ReaSu @caichinger @goerge @rolger

ReaSu commented 1 year ago

I'm late to this party, sorry for that.

What do you mean by "The next CR is limited"?

redseacomputing commented 1 year ago

@ReaSu limited by number of participants due to onsite location (6.10.2023 near Praterstern)

caichinger commented 1 year ago

Ich merke da beschäftigt mich was und ich schreibe hier und möchte gerne am Freitag kurz daran anknüpfen.

Damit es gar nicht zu einem Missverständnis kommt: Danke @redseacomputing für die Initiative! Das ist sicher ein guter Impuls!

Wir sind ein loser Haufen und daher ist mir wichtig, dass wir in der Kommunikation transparent sind. Dann habe ich auch ein Gefühl von "wir machen da was gemeinsam". Für mich sind Lücken zwischen den Botschaften, die per Issue transportiert werden.

@ReaSu and myself has noticed that it's no fun to prepare stuff for dojos if nobody shows up.

Verstehe ich nur zu gut.

In https://github.com/swkWien/sessions/issues/107 habt ihr Punkte besprochen die euch beschäfitgen. Es gibt aber keinen direkten Hinweis darauf, dass eurer Meinung nach kein-meetup.com das Problem ist.

Since there was no output from existing "lets change to meetup" discussions I want to pay and manage the account from now on.

In https://github.com/swkWien/sessions/issues/108 hat sich aus mir und Christian niemand dazu geäußert. D.h. an dem Punkt war es (laut Issue) auch niemandem wichtig genug. Das ist also das Ergebnis der Diskussion: nicht wichtig (auch euch nicht).

And yes, it should be a mirror of the swk events of course.

Danke für die Klärung.

Ich fand es deswegen gar nicht so klar, weil meinem Empfinden nach die größeren Fragen "Wie planen wir Events? Wie kündigen wir sie an?" immer wieder anders beantwortet werden.

redseacomputing commented 1 year ago

Yes, i thinks SWK more than a movement than something else. Hence, i think, i panic once a year if i have not brought me in from my side properly. :)

Therefor, i do such crazy things like instantiate a meetup group to wait for it what happen with it afterwards.

If one of my tasks would be a absolute no-go for someone, it is the best thing to communicate that like @caichinger did. I appreciate that.

We can close the meetup group of course and I use the account for anything else. Or maybe we can use this thing in another manner if it rather exists.

caichinger commented 1 year ago

Yes, i thinks SWK more than a movement than something else. Hence, i think, i panic once a year if i have not brought me in from my side properly. :)

Really appreciated! Thank you for responding.

If one of my tasks would be a absolute no-go for someone, it is the best thing to communicate that like @caichinger did. I appreciate that.

Definitely not a no-go.

I wanted to share my part of the experience regarding movement (and moving together).

We can close the meetup group of course and I use the account for anything else. Or maybe we can use this thing in another manner if it rather exists.

Again, I am more discussing the process, not the outcome. There is definitely potential in using meetup.com!

maosmurf commented 1 year ago

I like the initiative @redseacomputing , too! Whatever serves the Vienna Group getting more attention and attendees, I welcome!

On another note, I also support the naming "Software Crafters Vienna". I just noticed the "URL slug" is still "software-craftsmanship-vienna". Wonder if we could change that too (before we get too big)

ReaSu commented 1 year ago

Ich find auch, dass alles gut ist, was uns hilft, mehr Leute anzuziehen. Meetup ist da sicher kein Fehler. Ich glaub aber auch, dass es nicht reicht, eine Meetup - Gruppe zu haben. So wie immer bei social media: Was zählt ist, was wir draus machen.

Und wie Claus sind da bei mir viele Fragen offen: Was sind unsere Ziele? Wen wollen wir erreichen, und wie kommen wir an diese Leute? Was hat bisher gut geklappt, was nicht, und was können wir draus lernen? Wo zahlt es sich aus, unterschiedliche Resourcen zu investieren, und wo nicht? Was ist meine Rolle, wofür bin ich verantwortlich, und wofür nicht? Wo kann ich wie viel Initiative aufbringen, ohne dass sich jemand übergangen fühlt?

Vielleicht können wir wirklich am Freitag uns ein bisschen Zeit für solche Dinge nehmen - und wenns über Mittag ist.

caichinger commented 11 months ago


Wie @maosmurf meinte:

On another note, I also support the naming "Software Crafters Vienna". I just noticed the "URL slug" is still "software-craftsmanship-vienna". Wonder if we could change that too (before we get too big)

Können wir da noch was machen?

Bzw wie tun wir damit?

Wir werden den GDCR nutzen, um die Teilnehmenden auch auf Meetup einzuladen, daher die Frage.

redseacomputing commented 11 months ago

@caichinger yes, the URL can be changed. I have used same as the other two recommended crafter groups in first place. What exact url should we use? @ReaSu @maosmurf @codecop

ReaSu commented 11 months ago

Since the name of the group is Software Crafters Vienna, I think software-crafters-vienna would work rather well.

caichinger commented 11 months ago

@caichinger yes, the URL can be changed. I have used same as the other two recommended crafter groups in first place. What exact url should we use? @ReaSu @maosmurf @codecop

Thank you for the quick response. I understand your reasoning. Since it is possible, I am :+1: for changing it to reflect the name of our group.

Since the name of the group is Software Crafters Vienna, I think software-crafters-vienna would work rather well.

And I agree with @ReaSu.

redseacomputing commented 11 months ago

Alright, the URL of the Meetup group was changed to https://www.meetup.com/software-crafters-vienna/

Here is the corresponding QR-Code for the slides in svg and png--> QR_Meetup QR_Meetup

@ReaSu @caichinger @codecop

dertseha commented 11 months ago

This is all great! I also welcome the new inclusive name! The change came right on time, a colleague today asked what she could forward to her FH colleagues, and I gave her both meetup and softwerkskammer links - in the light of my GDCR ad.

At one point the "homepage" on github could also be updated with all the new and relevant links: https://swkwien.github.io/

caichinger commented 11 months ago

Danke @redseacomputing für das Update und die QR-Codes!

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