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Coderetreats 2019 #48

Closed codecop closed 4 years ago

codecop commented 5 years ago

The Coderetreat is a full day practice event. It is run on the third Saturdays every second month. We run small Coderetreats as discussed in #46

Month - Where (Jan) 19.1.2019 - Software Craftsmen (Goerge) (Mar) 16.3.2019 - Telekurier Online Medien GmbH (Adam) (May) 25.5.2019 - Frequentis (Christian) (July) 20.7.2019 - Ebcont (Gregor Riegler) (Sept) 21.9.2019 - Software Craftsmen (Goerge) (Nov) 16.11.2019 GDCR19 - see #50


40 #24 #23 #15 #9

codecop commented 5 years ago

@swkWien/organiser and @swkWien/friends we plan a Coderetreat for Sat. 19th Jan 2019. It will be a small CR (max 10 participants, no sponsor, no free lunch, no facilitator).

  1. We need a room/venue for that. @goerge or @rolger can you help?

  2. who will come?

caichinger commented 5 years ago
  1. We need a room/venue for that. @goerge or @rolger can you help?

It may (at times) be possible to use the office I work in but cannot say for sure yet; I will give an update once I know more.

  1. who will come?

Who is allowed to? Sounds for sure good to me.

goerge commented 5 years ago

@codecop Yes, I can offer a meeting room with space for 5 pairs and a big screen. Room, coffee and mate will be sponsored by Software Craftsmen. Location is next to Mariahilfer so there're enough opportunities for lunch.

To clarify: this offer is valid for January. Maybe this can be extended for future events.

codecop commented 5 years ago

@swkWien/organiser and @swkWien/friends please register here https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/Coderetreat20190119 (follow link to doodle) if you will come.

codecop commented 5 years ago

Yesterday was so much fun - so after the Coderetreat is before the Coderetreat ;-) The next CR will be Sat. 16.3.2019. Who will organize/host this? Organisation means only: 1. providing a room and 2. setting up the doodle and 3. being there in the morning. @xbojch @caichinger @maosmurf - you mentioned you could host us?

caichinger commented 5 years ago

I still hope to be able to provide a room but at the moment I am sorry to say that it does not look likely - do not count on me.

xbojch commented 5 years ago

Glad to hear it was a success. I’ll check the dates tomorrow, but generally Saturdays shouldn’t be a problem.

xbojch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay @codecop. I'll have an answer on Monday.

xbojch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for another delay. I'll have a confirmation on Friday or next Monday.

codecop commented 5 years ago

Hi all, only one month left until the next CR. Who can help us with hosting? Maybe @xbojch @caichinger @maosmurf @rolger @paulroho @mlem @dertseha ? Please someone ...

xbojch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay, will ask again today.

maosmurf commented 5 years ago

Hi, would love to host next CR, room is already reserved.

caichinger commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I can only confirm that a CR cannot take place at the company I work at.

codecop commented 5 years ago

@xbojch what about May

xbojch commented 5 years ago

I‘m not here on the date proposed for May. Is the date flexible? Or someone else in our company would have to host it, but I don‘t want to pass that responsibility.

codecop commented 5 years ago

Thank you @dertseha - registration for May Coderetreat is open: https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/Coderetreat20190525

codecop commented 5 years ago

@swkWien/friends and @swkWien/organiser There are still free spots for #coderetreat #vienna tomorrow. Take this opportunity to learn and practice in a safe space. https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/Coderetreat20190525

codecop commented 5 years ago

Hello crafters. Anybody up to host and run the July code retreat or should we have a summer break?

maosmurf commented 5 years ago

Hello crafters. Anybody up to host and run the July code retreat or should we have a summer break?

I could host a July-CR on Fri 19th and/or Sat 20th.

codecop commented 5 years ago

Thank you @maosmurf , @gregorriegler provides us with a place and lunch this time. Thank you for hosting us again in the future

codecop commented 5 years ago

@swkWien/organiser and @swkWien/friends the next Coderetreat is set: See https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/Coderetreat20190720 (20th July) Hope to see you despite potential heat.

goerge commented 5 years ago

Software Craftsmen is happy to host the next Small Coderetreat on 21st of September for up to 8 crafters.

codecop commented 5 years ago

Thank you @goerge - the event is set up: https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/Coderetreat20190921

goerge commented 5 years ago

@codecop Thanks for setting it up!

rolger commented 5 years ago

I wanted to join but I believe that the previous participant just forgot to select the "I will join" check since he added his name (Ernst Fast) . If his registration was a mistake I'll join otherwise I'm going to attend next time.

Thanks for organizing this event :-)

goerge commented 5 years ago

@rolger please join anyway. We have room for up to 10 people. I expect @codecop to come, too, right?

maosmurf commented 5 years ago

Is there a waiting list? Or may I drop in anyways? Doodle says 8/8. ty

goerge commented 5 years ago

@maosmurf Please add a comment to the Doodle. So everyone who already “joined” know, there is some pressure to really show up or remove the entry in advance.

ernst-fastl commented 5 years ago

Hi @rolger , unfortunatly I can't make it because of an operation so you can definitly have my seat. That is why I unchecked the box. I erased my entry in the doodle now to avoid any further confusion.

have fun :-)

codecop commented 5 years ago

Yes @goerge you are right

dertseha commented 4 years ago

@codecop , do you want to lead on the next year and create a ticket?