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Session presentations for Coding Dojo Vienna
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Coding Dojos 2016 #5

Closed codecop closed 7 years ago

codecop commented 9 years ago



2015 listed in #4

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

I would love todo the following: April July October

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

ohhh and btw. maybe also the GDCR, so that it must no longer be held by frequentis?

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Yes, tear the well renowned GDCR from the clutches of FRQ! Seriously, moving around spices things up. As for the coming year: I'm open for any month at FRQ that nobody else wants to fill :)

codecop commented 8 years ago

Regarding Feb. Dojo - can we do it in Semesterferien (1.2. to 4.2.)? I have an international guest in Vienna, who might help/run/participate the Dojo then. Would be cool to have an outsider with us for once. Who would be able to host it then?

dertseha commented 8 years ago

As always, I'm open to take over any sessions nobody else wants to take. Though, with this week a common time for vacations /and/ the rather remote location of FRQ I suspect there might be even less participants than normally. So, only if nobody else volunteers for this week in February, I'll be happy to host it.

mlem commented 8 years ago

I would be happy to volunteer. Can you setup some doodle schedule finding? Will your friend be moderator or co-moderstor? Or two moderators?

We at willhaben will host then. Wednesday or Thursday?

codecop commented 8 years ago

Thank you both. (correction) Tuesday would be good. We can fix the details later. Also, if not enough people mark the doodle, we can still move the Dojo to end of February.

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Shall I reserve the 2nd of February now at FRQ? Is this special now guest fixed, Peter?

codecop commented 8 years ago

if it is not too much hassle for you, yes do so. Aki will come to Vienna for sure during that time and we would be available on that evening, so I plan to bring him. I will ask him if he has something special for us, but I would not count on it. So yes, pls go ahead with regular planning. Dojo will be in English then. Thank you.

mlem commented 8 years ago

sign me up for december please

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I volunteer for May and September at the Austrian Lotteries.

dertseha commented 8 years ago

@mlem are you still up for March?

mlem commented 8 years ago

Yes. Let me do the room planning for the second week in march.

mlem commented 8 years ago

I’ve booked a room @willhaben-hq for 16.03.2016 from 18:00-20:00 o’clock.

@Christian Can you handle the social media stuff? (softwerkskammer, doodle, reminder-mail)

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

DONE https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/CodingDojoVie20160316 Softwerkskammer, Facebook, XING, Linkedin, Twitter + Catalyst Vienna Chat

mlem commented 8 years ago

You're the best. Thanks

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Thank you, Martin & Martin!

dertseha commented 8 years ago

@masterhilli , how about that April schedule? Also, the date for GDCR 2016 has been set: 22nd of October. How concrete is that idea at Catalysts?

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

@codecop @dertseha @mlem @ernst-fastl : Schedule will come today: Will be somewhere within: 25th to 28th of april

GDCR is already marked in my calendar. And should work without a problem ;)

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

http://doodle.com/poll/5nb5perhctf33wdk see what day fits best for you, and spread the word to participate in the poll

dertseha commented 8 years ago

When will the poll be finalized to publish the official advertisements? People won't keep up to 4 evenings free forever :)

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

It will be thursday. Will send out the email within the next 2 days.

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/CodingDojoVie20160428 DONE DONE :)

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Hello, @ernst-fastl - We're in the second week of May, how's your plan of hosting the next dojo at OLG this month?

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

Hi, I want to do it on Wed May 25th.

Next week I will be in the office again and check if we can have the room. So I will create the doodle and tweet next week on tuesday or wednesday when I know for sure. That still gives people one week to make up their minds.

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

do not forget that the next day is a holiday. Not sure how many people will join a Coding Dojo on such a day: @ernst-fastl .

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I think tue 24th or Tue 31th should also be possible. Let me check next week in the office and get back to you guys.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I booked the room for 24th. Link to the doodle is: http://doodle.com/poll/guyu5wsm5f7ee68k Can someone please create the softwerkskammerpage?

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Entry page created: https://www.softwerkskammer.org/activities/CodingDojoVie20160524 First Tweet also sent out :) Thank you, @ernst-fastl

codecop commented 8 years ago

@masterhilli @mlem slides from your dojos March and April still missing, Pls make a pull request. Ty ;-)

masterhilli commented 8 years ago

@All: Can someone take over my sessions? July especially? Additionally I will not be able to host the gdcr @ Catalysts

codecop commented 8 years ago

From our plan that each one of us does 3 sessions - I need 1, Ernst also 1, Christian 2. @dertseha can you do July?

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I could do one in mid or end of July.

dertseha commented 8 years ago

It's been a while I held some, so I'm open for any regular dojo. Is it OK if I take the summer months (July & August)?

As for the GDCR, so far I've been telling at FRQ that Catalysts would host it. From a gut feeling, would I ask whether FRQ still would like to host it, they would probably still say yes. Though, two other things to clarify first:

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

@dertseha I am happy with you taking the summer months.

should we ask the indoo.rs guys if they would like to host the next GDCR? I am happy to facilitate if needed

dertseha commented 8 years ago

I first want to see how the cooperation with indoo.rs works out - not already come with the big things :)

codecop commented 8 years ago

I agree with @dertseha. I sent them an email to talk about true motives. It is easy to say "I like" but we need trust and true support for running anything together with them.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

Ok. I can also ask at Lotteries if we would like to host GDCR but I am not too optimistic about that. Anyway I will ask when I am back from vacation in two weeks.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I won't be able to make it to the August session. But I would like to host the september session on Wed Sept 14th at Austrian Lotteries. And booked the room here already.

I'll post a doodle aroud the first week of Sept.

codecop commented 8 years ago

I already scheduled a dojo with help of the the Dart group at 20th Sept. Should we have 2 dojos this month?

codecop commented 8 years ago

Created a new issue #15 for GDCR16.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

@codecop: I am perfectly happy to wait until November to do another Dojo, I was not aware of the Dojo at the Dart group. Thanks for the heads up.

dertseha commented 8 years ago

Any news with the indoo.rs people?

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

@dertseha I have not heard anything from them

dertseha commented 8 years ago

As of now, we're not participating in GDCR for Vienna (see #15 ) and we will host a regular dojo. This time at a new company: Hitbox.tv .

I'm in contact with their boss to coordinate the date. They asked to get a moderator from us to gather experience - does anyone want to? Otherwise I'm happy to jump in.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

I am happy to do it. But rather during the week than on saturday. Just let me know when and where.

dertseha commented 8 years ago

They would like to have it on the 18th of October. Their office is in Hollandstrasse 14, 1020. That's between subway stations Taborstraße and Schwedenplatz.

ernst-fastl commented 8 years ago

Great location - that calls for a beer at Tel Aviv afterwards :-)

The date is fine and noted. Do I just show up there at 17:30 and expect them to be informed?

dertseha commented 8 years ago

@ernst-fastl I just sent a mail (you CC) introducing you to the Hitbox people.

@codecop When is the dojo with the Dart group? When & where to do the advertising/signup?

codecop commented 8 years ago

http://www.meetup.com/Dart_Vienna/events/232386217/ - 20th I will send announcement email next Monday