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GDCR22: Dump for Topics (and Ideas and Considerations) #85

Closed caichinger closed 1 year ago

caichinger commented 2 years ago

There will be a GDCR and in case an idea comes to your mind, feel free to add it here.

Personally, I like to find an overall theme for the day. Hence the suggestions. However, that's only my personal approach and we can of course do something different.

caichinger commented 2 years ago

Mission Impossible!?

Sessions with progressively more difficult constraints.

From a facilitation point of view the challenge lies in communicating the purpose of the constraints, i.e. "constraints for the constraints-sake (or the challenge itself - can also be rewarding of course)" or "constraints for the purpose of learning something about ...".

caichinger commented 2 years ago

Shifting Paradigms / Paradigm Shift

Sessions with alternating OO and FP constraints.

For me contrasting different approaches is oftentimes interesting. Maybe this could be a topic that also allows for fruitful discussions.

ReaSu commented 2 years ago

There's also this here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6954124398240968704/ - they are planning on having a continuous session for 48 hours. I think it's an interesting idea and it might be fun to join them for a session or two and pair with complete strangers. BUT I wouldn't want to see that replace our own GDCR.

ReaSu commented 2 years ago

Sessions with alternating OO and FP constraints.

I like this idea a lot!

caichinger commented 2 years ago

There's also this here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6954124398240968704/ - they are planning on having a continuous session for 48 hours. I think it's an interesting idea and it might be fun to join them for a session or two and pair with complete strangers. BUT I wouldn't want to see that replace our own GDCR.

Let's call it the "48 hours constraint" :D (Just joking)

That's indeed interesting. Maybe we could/should include a reference to this (or similar?) events in the announcement of our code retreat. It would nicely the emphasize "global day" idea and would be a way to warm up to the occasion.

gregorriegler commented 2 years ago

I like Bobs Idea with the globally spanning event, and I want to help him make it happen. We're currently searching for facilitators in the Australia / NZ / Japan Timezones, in case you know any.

I also believe it should not replace our own GDCR, which I suppose aims to be an offline Event again. If say, you'd like to have our Event on a Friday this time, it would not overlap with Bobs event and there would be room for integration. But I think this is secondary.

gregorriegler commented 2 years ago

So, GDCR 2022 is coming closer. Do we, and when do we plan to have our Event? I am asking because GDCCR will take place between 2022-11-04T15:00+02 and 2022-11-06T14:00+02 (Vienna Time), and we're searching for facilitators.

codecop commented 2 years ago

I am available Friday and Saturday to facilitate some sessions, but I do not want to run a whole event on my own. Should we try an onsite event again? Who would sponsor the room? I guess small room is enough

caichinger commented 2 years ago

My personal view.

Local (Vienna)

Global (world)

This issue is now a very broad mix of topics. I think that's okay for now but let's consider outsourcing some threads into other issues when we feel the time is right.

ReaSu commented 2 years ago

I agree with Claus that building the local community should be our priority. At the same time I like the idea of being part of something bigger.

I'm free on any two out of Fri-Sun, and happy to help with organising/facilitating at the local level. At the global level I'd rather take part as a participant.

gregorriegler commented 2 years ago

To elaborate on "we're searching for facilitators": If somebody is interrested in facilitating a 4 hour block remotely on this global event somewhere within the given timerange, let me know. That's all. I don't want to hijack this thread further. Lets continue discussing our local event here.

caichinger commented 2 years ago

@rolger responded in #87 and Nagarro will host GDCR22. Hence we have a venue, a sponsor and a date Saturday, 2022-11-05.

codecop commented 2 years ago

Regarding constraints - we could try an overall topic and then focus all sessions on aspects of it. This might be a bit harder for the facilitators, because each of them has to work under the umbrella topic. Possible "umbrella" I have seen in the past are Object Orientation, TDD of course, Refactoring, Connecting with people, and so on. We could even press our luck and try something more special like Hexagon. If we have some options I can set up a poll if and which overall topic it should be.

codecop commented 2 years ago

Also choice of kata is possible. It does not have to be Game of Life and it also could be progressive, so building on top of previous code - at least looking like that.

paulroho commented 2 years ago

Hexagon as un Hexagonal Architecture?

Would love that!

gregorriegler commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of an overall topic. Another idea I like is to react on what the majority is doing. So they are not writing tests? Have a Ping Pong session. They are using mostly primitives? Forbid them. etc. etc. Not sure what constraints would fit Hexagonal. Also: Do they have to know the overall topic? I assume not if we can push them towards it by setting the proper constraints.

codecop commented 2 years ago

Overall topic could be announced during invite. Might get some ppl to come who would not otherwise

caichinger commented 2 years ago

We have scheduled a call after the next code retreat (Friday, 2022-09-16 15:00 in Gather) to discuss the program. Would be nice to see some of you there to hear your opinions. Ideally, we agree on a rough program so we can start to prepare the sessions and the announcements. Feel free to join even if you do not intend to be on-site or be a facilitator.

My personal preference/opinion:

As of now, with regards to overall topic/theme/focus, we have:

caichinger commented 2 years ago

If you want to share an idea with the group, even if it is only a keyword, please go ahead. On Friday we will try to come up with a program or at least specific suggestions to work on and every inspiration is greatly appreciated (at least from my side but I guess I am not alone in that regard).

dertseha commented 1 year ago

I have one idea, coming out of a concern: As much fun as it would be for some to have exercises for a hexagonal/universal architecture, consider having a simpler alternative for those that have never worked with it. Something like two complexity levels. People can still choose for themselves & their pair, and with this you avoid the scenario of a pair suddenly having no idea what to do and the facilitator then spends 5+ minutes with them, explaining with flipcharts and stuff.

I suspect handling two topics in one session would be doable by one facilitator for a session, and perfectly fine also to have two.

Plus: Thank you all for organizing this!

caichinger commented 1 year ago

Today's discussion resulted in

More details cf referenced commit.