swkeep / keep-bags

A bag / backpacks script for fivem (esx,qbcore/qbox)
GNU General Public License v3.0
147 stars 37 forks source link

Bag not closing throws error in cmd #29

Open merpindia opened 2 weeks ago

merpindia commented 2 weeks ago


when i restart both scripts bag open but after that it says bag is allready open

Harmony Config

`Config.MagicTouch = false Config.use_progressbar = true Config.language = 'en'

-- Framework and Resource settings Config.framework = 'qb' -- [qb / esx] Config.inventory = 'qb-inventory-legacy' -- [qb-inventory / qb-inventory-legacy / ps-inventory / ox_inventory] Config.target = 'qb-target' -- [qb-target / ox_target] Config.menu = 'qb-menu' -- [built-in / qb-menu / keep-menu / ox_lib] Config.input = 'qb-input' -- [built-in / qb-input /keep-input / ox_lib] Config.progressbar = 'qb' -- [qb / ox_lib] Config.notification = 'qb' -- [built-in / qb / esx / ox_lib / custom Config.emote = 'rpemotes' -- [dpemotes / rpemotes / scully_emotemenu]

-- Resource Name Mapping -- If you are using qb-inventory with a different name for instance, if you renamed it to custom-inventory, -- you probably need to update its name here to ensure it will work! Config.resource_names = { -- This is the "Resource Name" okay! -- I saw people who are using esx set this as esx which is wrong! -- It should be es_extended instead! framework = 'qb-core', inventory = 'qb-inventory', target = 'qb-target', menu = 'qb-menu', -- leave it empty when using built-in input = 'qb-input' -- leave it empty when using built-in }

-- If these are active, the built-in menu and input will take over these resources Config.providers = { ['qb-menu'] = { active = true, resource_name = 'qb-menu', }, ['qb-input'] = { active = true, resource_name = 'qb-input', } }`

Bags Config

`Config.max_inventory_slots = 41

Config.clothingScript = 'illenium-appearance' -- illenium-appearance or qb-clothing oe esx (skinchanger)`